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Everything posted by mygale

  1. Hi Roberto, I confirm: you'll be allowed to use your own canopy to jump. Of course, we'll look at you, and if we have a doubt about your ability to drive it, we'll recomand you to use a larger one. But if you're used to it, no problem. about the bunkhouse : during the last week end of this month, we have a national competition on the dropzone ( but 2 planes, no worry ), so ask for the bunkhouse on the mail of the website : celnpc [at] see you soon Mygale
  2. Hi, shortly, - you need valid FAI licence and assurance in your country... then we deliver a free french licence for foreigner - about your canopy, i'll ask the manager wednesday evening and post the answer to you. As said, it depends of your weight and your experience with your canopy, and how many jumps you want to do... see U soon Mygale, Lille, France