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  1. Who is going this year? I want to go. I have never been.
  2. INTRODUCTION OF IBA MEMBERSHIP FEES With effect from 1st May 2023, there will be an annual $20 fee to be an IBA member. Since the IBA was formed in 2003, it has been free to all members. This enabled us to support the growth of the community by providing a range of different benefits to both instructors and flyers. Since then, we have continually improved the safety and flight training content. This has been an important and meaningful investment in the safety of our membership, and we plan to use the new membership fees to continue this safety-focused journey by providing many more updates and benefits. If you have a current IBA account you will be required to pay the $20 membership and will be prompted through the payment system when you first login after the 1st May 2023. New accounts opened after this date will follow the same process. The key change for you to note is that if you choose not to subscribe then you will be unable to access your dashboard and use the logbook and flight progression system. In addition, an instructor will be unable to approve your flight skills unless you have a paid account. Also, at some wind tunnel facilities, you will be required to have an IBA account to demonstrate your competency and currency and you will not be able to do this unless you subscribe. We realize that this change may be frustrating, and the transition will take some time to settle, so we suggest you act early post 1st May 2023. Attached is a Key Facts document to guide you through the main changes. This will be available on the IBA website. Thank you for your continued support in maintaining the high safety standards that we enjoy and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at
  3. A Jarno sized hole in the wingsuit community. Fly free RSUK Ep 42 - Jarno Cordia Headline Interview from 2017 Jenna and the whole family, my condolences
  4. I would hate to lose "The Alpine rig" pictures and the stories from Baffin
  6. I don't know who you might be. I do know an apple sauce wrestler There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  7. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers Wingsuit_paperIACAS2.pdf
  8. Call Alex Kinnaird also There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  9. This is the best post I have seen here in a while There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  10. There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  11. Coming to theaters! Fall 2021 Starring Will Smith There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  12. You've been here long enough to know that if it was linked one would believe that Lee actually posted that. I an sruprised to sea that their aare mo seppling miskates. For the record. Lee is a national treasure and one of the best reasons to come to There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  13. Only 5 hour away! I will make the trip. Why is this not at every single iFly yet? There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers
  14. How many you looking to make? A dozen or a million? There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers