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Everything posted by snap270

  1. What about emergency responders? "Sorry, we would've been there sooner, but we couldn't get out of first gear because we had to pull over every 15 seconds to answer the dispatcher..." Or maybe police, ambulance, fire, etc. can drive (speed), listen, calculate, know, multi-task--'cause they're professionals.... Should truck drivers be banned from using CB radios while driving too? Just a thought. I try not to talk on the phone while driving, but then I really don't like chatting on the phone.
  2. Darius, you're such a punk! Why weren't you at JT today? Please tell me it's not because you'd rather sit on your ass in front of the TV - even if it is at Foxwoods - and watch big sweaty men run around, instead of flying with us.
  3. I seem to break the plastic stiffener in the tuck tab on the main closing flap at least once a year. The new ones now have an angle on the right side, and I have yet to see a broken stiffener in one. I think my next replacement will include the angled tab, and not just the plastic... All in all, the Infinity is a great rig, but then so are many of the rigs from the other manufacturers. What attracted me initially was their reputation and - to be honest - the price. But what has kept me is their customer service. BTW; there are fixes for that RSL slack. Talk to Kelly or your rigger.
  4. Hey, you guys be nice. If you hadn't packed since your A-card was signed off, it'd be tough for you too!
  5. I fly a Sam 136 at about 1.8. Openings are great...stay on top of 'em and they won't mess with you too much. If the spot is long, react canopy seems to just fall out of the sky at full flight. Rears, breaks, whatever suits the situation - it's all good. But it maintains a dive well, so keep you eyes on the ground....