Lucky you. Only in your case. We in Holland have to have our rigs mandatory checked now for any faulty cutter of Vigil. Neither these cots or those of a replacement cutter will be reimbursed by Vigil!
They claim in the SB send to the German and Netherlands Parachute associatins that the broken cutters are purely rigger error and has nothing to do with the design.
My rigger is furious as this is not true. I am furious because my Vigil just became 200Euro extra! Mainetnance free? MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!! (repack, cutter, shipping cutter...)
Vigil states literally that this is the responsibility of the customer which rigger to choose and that therefore nothing will be reimbursed and this includes a new cutter!
Is this common practice? (i am new) But I don't think so according to my rigger. How about the riggers in the USA?
Thanks for any advise
I am new on this forum, my details will come later.