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1 Neutral


  • Main Canopy Size
  • Main Canopy Other
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Jump Profile

  • Home DZ
    Skydive San Diego
  • License
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  • Years in Sport
  • First Choice Discipline
    Wing Suit Flying
  • Second Choice Discipline

Ratings and Rigging

  • USPA Coach
  • Rigging Back
    Senior Rigger
  1. It depends on how long you will have it. If are going to try and fit 2 smaller canopy sizes into it then you might be able to justify buying a new rig (IF you can downsize in it a good amount). I would recommend looking hard for a used rig your first time around. Get with Bonnie and see what she can find, she is extremely helpful and resourceful. You wouldn't have to wait the 20+ week turnaround for a used rig either. As for the main, look for Sabre 2's as well as Safire 2's. 149 and 169 are popular sizes so you should have some luck in finding one or the other. Otherwise get the rig and see about renting/borrowing a canopy until you can find your own.
  2. Bonnie is the best! She wasn't mad when I called her at 615am on the 5th of July to order my Safire 2 because it was in the online stock report. She also runs a kick ass gear store with absolutely top of the line service! Thanks Bonnie! Nick PS What made your week so bad? Sorry I am missing the boogie this weekend....
  3. I wear soft contacts and a pair of Gatorz and haven't had a problem yet. I did take out the nosepiece and mold them to my face but it all really depends on how they fit in the first place. I don't wear them on facedown tracking dives because they will get a bit breezy on me, but everything else has been fine. Thanks for the great gear Bonnie!!!
  4. nqh03

    Safire 2

    I have been jumping my Safire 2 189 (loaded 1.16) for about 20 jumps now and really enjoy flying it. It opens smoothly and on heading. I pro-pack and find that if leave the nose out (not rolled or pushed back at all) it opens in about 400-600 feet. It has a good glide ratio and has saved me on several tracking dives with a long spot (rear risers helped as well). Landing this canopy is also a lot of fun. Once you level off there is still plenty of toggle left to handle unexpected problems or a poorly timed flare (you can also pop back up a few feet at the end of your flare). I really enjoy flying this canopy and plan on staying with it for a long time.