I only noticed this posting now. I can give you the full story... first hand :-)
The photo was actually taken by John Gouws with my (Daniel Zuppinger) camera. When Hans Fischer printed the card, he a) put my name as photographer on it, which is wrong. and b) never returned the original :-( .
The jumpers where:
Steve Marshall, Long Pete Mauchan, Mark Allen, Trever Joshua and me (blue Cruise Lite).
The photo was taken over Klerksdorp, South Africa sometimes in early 1986.
We tried in various different ways to build a 5 by-side, but failed. We managed to do 4 by-sides several times, but never the 5. Had some interesting maneuvers though ;-) . The whole thing came to a stop when Trevor died in a skydiving accident a short while after this picture was taken.
Hope this helps.