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    uspa / knvvl
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    Formation Skydiving
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  • Tandem
    Instructor Examiner
  1. youre an you seem to think youre a jumper now...please think about all the things that can go wrong and all the stupid , unforseen and idiot things (YOU) a passenger can do....Show some respect to the sport and your tandemmasten...
  2. New Zealand is a tandemoperation..however..Taupo on the north Island rocks over the summer period... Spend a few years there..sooo cool...if you need info or contacts..le meknow.. Greetz..and enjoy!
  3. Thats it...its been around for years....And it has provern it strong and weak points....Would it be my first choice...NO....would i leave a student on the ground if it was the only thing availible..NO... Just my 2 cents...
  4. Im so done with people that just want to become a statistic..Why rush...enjoy your sport!!! I sometimes think that people who go here for this kind of advise know they will be sent packing at their home dz! Someone pulls this shit at my DZ...RUN! Sorry,
  5. How about the Argus []. When you swoop ,the swoop mode works fine! I have it on Swoop mode all the time. Ive been jumping it for a few years and when ever there is an update they have great service and a product that stays in contact with what skydivers want and need. IF you are looking for an AAD check this one out 2
  6. Skymonkey...i agree...Its not that we are getting old...Its just that they are getting younger...Let stick to what we know and keep on jumping untill we grow older...much older...Read a lot of youre comments here and have to say youre advice and tips ,to me, always seem right on the money.. Skydiving isn't hard...its keeping on jumping that is hard.
  7. I agree...Loading a canopy that much only really is usefull for comps etc.
  8. he there belgian skygirl.... Cool to hear you are joining us ones again in the sky....Hope all your injuries have healed well and that skydiving brings you all the fun it has me... Remember that skydiving is all about being safe....The size of your canopy has little to do with the amount of fun you will have. Go for the safest option...Bigger is mostly more forgiving and make a few great landings and your confidence will grow and that will make you more ready for the next step (downsizing) . Further more i would suggest that you talk to someone at your dz (some one who you respect as a safe skydiver) and make sure all the settings are right for your first couple of jumps...Remember....skydiving starts on the ground with the decissions you make. Skydiving is easy...keeping on skydiving is hard..!! enjoy it and be safe.. Erwin/jr