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  1. Thanks for the information. That's all I wanted to know. As for assessing the level of danger in the photo, I don't think I need many jumps to notice how close the mirage guy is to getting caught in a line or even apparently hitting the tandem master. I honestly didn't post to cause problems or to pose as something I'm not; I just wanted to get information and insight from people who know if this happens a lot. I will take your suggestion to fill out my profile so hopefully any other questions I pose on this site will be met with less skepticism. May I suggest that people on this forum be a little more hesitant to judge the character of a particular poster. And I wish I had the photoshop skills some of you think I have! Thanks for all your help!
  2. I completely agree that pretending to be someone you are not is not right. But that is not the case here. I am no tandem master. The previous post I made was based on a conversation I had with an experienced skydiver. I had seen the story on CNN and was eager to offer any insight I had gained to this forum. If there is any misrepresentation it would lie there--in the fact that I wrote something based on experience I did not have. But I suspect this is not an uncommon occurance in any field. As for the more recent post--I am understand that the photo represents a dangerous situation. I know that without having done any jumps. The question I had is that I am just unsure how dangerous it is, how this sitatuion could be allowed to happen, and if I should consider doing a tandem at this dropzone. I deeply apologize if I confused or offended anyone here. I think you also need to be careful about jumping to conclusions. I will remove my initial post if it is not conducive to starting a helpful discussion. But if it does raise any important issues, then perhaps we can raise those issues now.
  3. Actually, I was sincerely wondering what is going on with this picture and if something like this happens on my tandem shoud I be worried. As for photoshop, the only thing I did was crop the picture so it would be small enough because she emailed me a larger picture. Sorry if this was troll-like. I really didn't mean it to be.
  4. I am thinking about doing a tandem at this DZ, but my friend gave me this photo of her jump. After seeing one of the instructors at this DZ right on the back of her tandem instructor, I'm a little nervous to do my jump there. I just wanted to ask instructors on this site if this picture should make me unduly nervous to do my jump at this DZ or if this is normal?Thanks.