My Dh's tandem was all of 30 seconds of freefall, and the Tandem master spiralled all the way down not giving him any time to enjoy the experience.
My jump was with gear that fit very poorly, they only had one set of goggles that was not tore up, and I sat there and watched there packer pack up a tandem rig totally incorrect! It was after I brought it to the attention of another guy whom worked there that he went and corrected the packer!
I also had video footage taken as a keep sake for both of our jumps....we had to call numerous times to get my Dh's video which cost us $100!!! The footage was awfull, they barely got up to where you could see his face, and it was blury.
I have yet to recieve my video and it has been over a month!
Over all this was a poor experience, with people at the end of the day who really did care about their customers.