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  1. safari1957


    I am on the other end - Due to family pressure my girlfriend placed a male child for adoption in 1978 in Mississippi. I wanted to get married, but her family was against that idea. Odd thing is that three years later we did get married and had a second child a wonderful daughter. Family interference and youthful mistakes on my part ended the marriage. My daughter knows that she has a full blood brother somewhere in this world [or possibly the next]. I have registered on several sites in case the child wants to meet me - but I believe that it would not be right for me to intrude into his life at this point as I do not consider for even a second that I am in any way a "father" to that child - however, I am a great father to my daughter. I think of the child every year on March 3rd - his birthday and hope that his parents provided him with a great home. If anyone out there was born 3/3/1978 in Mississipp, you may have an absolutely wonderful sister.... Pax, Kelly A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. Bought my first house in February... Love it. It was painless and we found exactly what we wanted in a short period of time. The reason? I have known my real estate agent for 25 years and completely trusted her. She also did not try to push us towards buying something out of our price range. I crunched the numbers and with the tax advantage we have a bigger place to live and spending a couple a hundred less than what we paid for in rent, not to mention the equity. Good luck! A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. I am Michael Kelly Bustard... everyone has always called me Kelly, except the person I was named after [paternal grandmother]who called me Michael up until the day she died....don't think she liked any of us much... Pax, Kelly A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  4. Thanks for the Welcome!! South Africa huh? My daughter attended Rhoades University in Grahamstown SA the spring of her junior year of college. It was a life changing event for her. She loved the country! Anyway.. if you can remember... was the second jump harder than the first? Someone told me that the brain does not have time to register the first time on a tandem jump... but that the second time the brain kicks up the ole "No No No NOOOOO" fear factor. I am saving my pennies for AFF level 1 and the jitters get me even with my feet right on the ground! Thoughts? Pax, Kelly A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  5. Thanks for the welcome... Mo {monica} is working on her master's degree in Nutrition, and she loved the experience.. however, she isn't sure when she could afford it... she si leaving for Costa Rico for 3 1/2 weeks and has school soon after she gets back. She did tell her boyfriend that he had to come jump with her... Me? I figure I will go back for AFF 1 and take it slow, I am hooked, but got a lot of jitters... Is the 2nd jump any harder than the first? I was told that the next time the brain realizes what is going on and the fear factor is higher... Pax, Kelly [email] A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds -Ralph Waldo Emerson