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    Cypres 2

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  • Home DZ
    Gold Coast Skydivers
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    Formation Skydiving
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    Freefall Photography
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  1. hmmm, interesting. I never thought of doing it that way. Do you have a laptop or a desktop at the DZ?
  2. I do plan to get a Mac for my own personal use, but I was told that, depending on the length of the video, it can take a Mac a long time to render a video. Is this not the case? Included in the equipment I just purchased is a dvd recorder that only takes 4 min. to finalize. Thanks for the input so far, guys. Kim
  3. I just took over the video concession at my dz, and I'm wondering what is the best type of equipment (fast and nice editing capabilities) to use? I basically have a mixer, title maker and a couple of ipods. I'm just trying to get a feel for different types of systems being used out there, and would appreciate any help/feedback. Thanks
  4. We have a winner!! Thank you girlz....that solves that mystery for me.
  5. Yep, that's the one....I just love that tune. I always dance around when I hear it. Maybe we'll all learn something here, if anyone comes up with the answer
  6. Actually, I did start to read that thread, and it made me post this one......
  7. Ok, this might sound like a stupid question, but I'm wondering if anyone here knows the name/artist of the techno-sounding song on the Kraft salad dressing commercial? It's the one where a young lady is putting a salad together in her slippers and a white furry dog is at her feet. Ring any bells?
  8. Hi Paul- Welcome to the forums! I'll answer your questions as best as I can, but one thing you'll soon learn about these forums is to take everything you read with a grain of salt. After beginning your training, whether it be AFF, static line, or tandem progression, always listen to your instructors. - Once I've done the AFF and 10 jumps what remains to be done to get my licence - I've heard about 3 different courses for different kinds of jumping, do I only need to do one of these, or is it required/common to do more than one, and approximately what will it cost me? Yes, you only need to do one course. Some people start out doing AFF and decide to do static line or vice-versa instead, but it's not required to do more than one. You will normally go through a 4-5 hr. jump school for static line or AFF. I'm assuming it's the same for tandem progression, but I'm not sure. I did AFF, so I'm the most familiar with that. Static line is the least expensive training, I'm not sure of the cost exactly. AFF will cost approx 1 grand, and IMHO, since tandem progression costs about the same as AFF, I think it's better to go ahead and build up that confidence by jumping on your own. I think most people that decide on the tandem progression course do so b/c they've already done 2 or 3 tandems, and I think most DZ's count that towards your training, even if you didn't set out to do that in the beginning ( I think). I don't know if you've heard of the SIM (skydiver's information manual), but you will find the requirements you'll need to get all of your licenses. You can find the SIM on ***- How "current" do I have to be to jump once I've got my licence - is there a period of time after which I have to revalidate my licence if I haven't jumped? I pulled this off of the USPA website, from the SIM: A License USPA A-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within-- 1. 60 days: should make at least one jump under the supervision of a currently rated USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating altitude awareness, freefall control on all axes, tracking, and canopy skills sufficient for safely jumping in groups 2. 90 days: should make at least one jump beginning in Category D with a USPA AFF Instructor or in Category B with a USPA IAD Static-Line, or Tandem Instructor before proceeding to unsupervised freefall ***- What gear will I need to buy once I've done the AFF, and what will it all cost me if I buy second-hand (price for good second hand gear, rather than cheapest price please). How long will a first set of gear typically last me? Basic stuff would be: container, main parachute, reserve parachute, helmet, altimeter, goggles, and I would recommend an AAD (automatic activation device). The AAD's are expensive, but it may save your ass. Depending on what type of flying you want to explore (belly flying vs. freeflying), you may want to get a container that will be suitable for all types of flying. You can find very good used gear here on or or Also, check with your rigger at your dz-he may have some used gear for sale. I purchased used gear (container, reserve, main and AAD) a few years ago for about 2 grand. You can read some of the safety articles here for lots more info about what to look for when buying a new/used rig. Your gear will last quite a while if you take good care of it. Keep your parachute out of the sun. Most canopies have to be re-lined after about 500 jumps or so. There is also an article in safety on this website about how to care for your gear. I hope this helps. Good luck with everything. Blue skies, Kim
  9. I'd be happy to trade places with ya.....wanna buy a boat???
  10. Hi Julie, My husband and I are trying to sell our boat, the one we sailed down here on:) As soon as it is sold, we are heading back to our home DZ, Gold Coast Skydivers in MS. Hopefully, it will be SOON. We get that all the time, the whole "oh wow, you live on an island-you are SO lucky". It is a beautiful place, but we've been here for 2 years. Once you've seen and done everything there is to do, it's not much fun anymore. In fact, it's pretty boring. Island life is slow. Definitely ready to get back to our old hobbies:) Kim
  11. ....and since I've been hanging out on for a little while, I figured I'd pop in and say 'hiya'. It's been about 2 and a half years since my last jump. Unfortunately, I witnessed a swooping accident, and it *^cked with my head. It's been long enough though-I'm ready to get back in the air. For now, I'm stuck on an island with no DZ Hopefully I'll be back on the mainland in the next month or so. I've been reading forums and looking at gear, trying to figure out what has changed since I last jumped. One thing is for sure, the comraderie and brotherhood hasn't changed, and I'm looking forward to that just as much as jumping. Blue skies, Kim
  12. Yep, I think that was it. Thanks for your help Jerry.