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  • Home DZ
    Eden North
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  1. well finished my first jump at edennorth, I must say it kicked so much a$$. I loved every second of it, wasn't nearly as nervous as I thought it'd make me. I have to do it again!! Half contimplating getting certified.
  2. well, all booked for SUnday morning at 9am there is going to be half dozen of us. Generally speaking, how long does it take from arrive, to "touch down", so to speak. gotta be back in calgary for 3pm. Getting really nervous/excited now....
  3. any idea what their track record is? thanks a bunch!
  4. Hello, Looking at making my first jump (who know's if i'll do more) on the weekend, kinda nervouse about it, but i guess thats to be expected. Good to do some reading here, seems much safer than the general consensus. Looking at doing it at Eden North in Edmonton, Alberta...if you have any experiance w/ them could you please check out this thread?;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread I know this is kind of a general question, and one that probably gets asked her a million times, but in general, what is the saftey record like? ie 1/XXXX change of injuries, etc. Thanks!!
  5. Hello, I am probably going to be doing my very first jump this weekend at Eden North, just outside of Edmonton. I was wondering if anyone could give me any comments with regards to their track record? Ie Saftey record, quality of equipment, quality of instructors (I'll be doing the tandem), basically any info would be great. Thanks a bunch! Sean