Well the deed is done. It was a huge amount of fun, but at the same time, I don't feel like I really managed to appreciate the experience at the time.
In my head was the litany I'd been practicing all day, the sequence of events as they had to happen, so rather than thinking, "wow, what a view", I was thinking, "horizon, altitude, secondary, primary, arch, reach, recover ... etc". It only really slowed down once I was under the canopy.
I'm told it's fairly normal, and if I want to enjoy the freefall I should persevere or just do a tandem.
The level went like clockwork, with the gentlest landing I could have wanted, but I was so focused on what they'd told me that if there was an adrenaline rush, I was too focused to notice. On the video I look like I'm concentrating so hard I'm about to explode.
Thinking about L2/L3 next weekend, if I can rustle up the cash, but hoping the sense that it was all over so fast passes quickly so I can start enjoying the freefall a bit more at the time, rather than with hindsight.
Also need to learn to land a bit closer to manifest. That was a really, really, long walk. That airfield (Weston) is huge.