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Everything posted by FROGGIN

  1. Jill's Celebration services Sunday 17th Hart's @ the Cupola Macon - 6324 Peake Rd from 2-3:30pm
  2. Memorial services planned for Sunday afternoon Hart's Mortuary-more info once plans complete Family is asking to have discrection about the circumstances of her death for privacy and respect of her children . They are asking for photos and video of Jill (skydiving or other) to be sent to Thanks!! She will be missed!
  3. Our prays and thoughts are with Woody and his family. Since he might go home before some of us can get up to see him. Trey do you have an address so I can send some funds to Patty for help with day to day things. Because it appears Woody might not be at work for a while. We are thinking of you Woody. We love ya.
  4. I have lots of pictures I just keep going.
  5. A few more! I took a lot of censored pictures. But I am keeping my word not to post them. Right Ladies.
  6. More pictures! We had a great time! Maybe to good of a time- Hope I didn't make a fool of myself.
  7. What a great sport and I love the people. Traveling on I 75 South yesterday morning by myself. Notice a Silver Tahoe to my left and some guy giving me the thumbs up. Wasn't sure whyand didn't think I did anything wrong. Then he came past and I notice his USPA sticker on the back window. He notice my stickers. Then I able to acknowledge him a few miles down the road. Thanks dude. Hope you got to jump this weekend.
  8. This is that smile. Very talented man. We will miss him. Just had the pleasure to spend alot of time with him last weekend. Learned alot, laughed and celebrated his 44th birthday. Blue skies!!!!! Michael and Donyal
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We enjoyed celebrating with you. Way to go girl on the A lic.
  11. You look very young for grandkids? My baby girl Savannah- was sugar booga and now it is booga time-her Dad gave her these-who knows?
  12. Looks like there are two wonderful and amazing ladies in this family. Just sent her a line. I usually just read and enjoy the forums. Wow it is great to see other moms being moms and skydivers. Take care and blessings to your family.
  13. I am blessed with a amazing man. We celebrated our first anniv. June 10th. He is the one who introduced me to this sport. Last night after coming home from the dz, he stated he couldn't believe that I loved to jump as much as he did. I loved seeing him in freefall for the first time yesterday. Above the clouds it was beautiful. He is awesome. Thanks for letting me brag-
  14. We would like to send a card and a few other things to Jack, but we need an address? Do we know where Jack will be once out of rehab? Let us know if you have this information. He was great to us and we want to return the same to him. Thanks.
  15. Sharing our four beautiful girls- with the rest of the family in the photos
  16. Wishing you a great birthday and speedy recovery. Reach for those dreams. You are inspiring. God bless you.
  17. Loved the tribute to Shannon. Was curious about the wording that is in a spiral(the far outer two) and what they say?