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Everything posted by peggs82

  1. Can we get a moderator to lock threads like these in the future? They do nothing but spawn cheap shots and petty arguments... Seriously...lets start cleaning up this forum
  2. Holy christ... Yes ugh! And while we're at it...It seems like all those cars made over the past few decades are just copies of the Model T... -Wheels -Engine -Seats ZOMFGOD!! Unimaginative ASS HOLES@!!! You know what...Airplanes!! -Wings -Tail -Cockpit plagiarist scum!! Computers...yes...COMPUTERS!! -Screen -Keyboard -mouse All just a rip off of J. H. Smiths' difference engine!!! A HOUSE!!! -Walls -Doors -A roof REALLY ITS SUUCHH A RIPOFF!!! ....A TABLE!!! -large flat surface -legs are there no more original ideas?!?!?!?!?!?!
  3. Zach, thanks for the compliment! To answer you question about being offered to go...yes and no. The visit was the day before the bulk of people arrived, but we were working on their schedule. There was an open invitation for anyone interested to come out, but we also had to be aware that our visit was during "business" hours for the school. We kept the number respectably small, but we did have one jumper take us up on our offer. Simon Repton took the whole day off from jumping to come see City Year in action with us! Also, a big kudos to Ill Vision! The City Year members really got a huge kick out of wearing all those wingsuits!! Many thanks for bringing the awesomeness!
  4. Head on over to Raise the Sky and check out our latest news. I just posted the video I had made (and since improved) for the final party of the event. Hope you like it!
  5. It's not like they did it for free though? Hard work maybe, but didn't some people get paid?
  6. Looked into...does not apply.... thanks for your "concern"
  7. Some good jumps are already underway!! Come out and have fun with us! Come out and see stupid phil tricks!!! -Chowing in the pond.. -Cut-a-ways.. -what else can i do??
  8. See ideas!! Ed I like the idea...I really do. And you picked a very good example photo to show its use. While I was thinking how this system could be best used, I actually found my argument FOR the grid (or at least its use in CONJUNCTION with any other system). In this system, each flier is treated as an individual entity. There is no overall defined shape. We must remember the accordion effect. You can see how the 25 way is slightly stretched on the right, producing some "wavy" judging lines. Magnify that over a larger formation If we were using the circle/lines/circle system right (to nullify the accordion), you would lay out straight lines with the circles appearing where the flyer should be. The flier should then fit in near those circles. But you know what we would then have??? - THE GRID But I do think that this would be a useful tool. Perhaps used on sloppy areas to show just who was out, and by how far... A thought to keep in mind with these systems is rapid deployment. As we have seen in the field, quick calls for aircraft (to keep them flying - keeping costs down), means we need a fast system. Perhaps create a photoshop brush of the circle/lines/circle? That way you could scale it by using the size of the brush? Keep these ideas up...this is what I was talking about! Dosen't if feel better when we contribute rather than only criticize?
  9. Until you come up with a proposal which addresses and nullifies those points...yes. Instead of just pointing out flaws using photoshop, why not address them and show us how you overcame those flaws? None of us are rushing FAI acceptance. FAI will take 2 years to accomplish (they table the suggestion this year, vote the next). Man...that sounds really rushed Last I checked, I haven't been flying to London every week to lobby the BPA...has anyone else here been racking up the frequent flier miles that I don't know of??? Australia has independently pushed to adopt the grid...are you going to claim that we rushed them??? Also note I never told you to leave me alone Jarno. In fact, I volunteered to come to an event where we would place YOUR system against the current one. I really told you to leave us alone huh? Yes, thats the funny thing about worst case scenarios...they are always the worst case. How would YOU suggest we FIX that??? If it were submitted, I would aim to make the record that beats it cleaner and better. You know...always try to improve've provided some shitty examples, but my point still stands. Standards are standards. There will always be minimums. Whatever you post, I'm sure I can do the very same thing in photoshop and ask you the same question. If a record is posted that I don't agree with, I will just push my group to do better. Everyone wins! I will be at elsinore 7 days before the event, come with your ideas and we will test them. Hell, we can even test them on the Bigway So I ask you all again...What is your alternative?
  10. holy hell people... Here is my idea to all of this. Get out and actually fly some formations. Apply the grid, and then apply your alternative (like matt did). Only then can we have an honest discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the current system. All of this fear mongering is purely speculative until you start submitting hard evidence to the discussion of why one system is better than the other. Show pictures. Show REAL WORLD examples of how YOUR formation would be better served with YOUR alternative. Show how the grid failed you, and show how YOUR IDEA would serve not only you, but other formations as well. So far all I have seen is the 25 way in chicago, the Michigan Record, a Pops Record, and a Russian Record, and Matt's alternative. (If I missed anyone, I apologize...your efforts are appreciated). Where is your suggestion Jarno? Where is your suggestion Butters? Hold an event to test your judging criteria vs the grid, I will even come participate. If you felt excluded from the discourse, by all means...organize a 4+ way, and apply your standard. I will happily have a discussion with you and maybe even support you. The current grid had a clear evolutionary path stemming from the 71-way to what it is today. ACTUAL trial and error (not just spewing on the internet) gave a roadmap to a judge able, repeatable, achievable system. By all means, I invite you to do the same. Timmyfitz mentioned, "that in every discipline there will be growing pains." So far, all I hear is a bunch of babies crying. Why not take some steps for yourselves and then teach us all how to walk better?
  11. Yes, after what was actually a great segment, you choose the one wrong bit of info to bitch about? For once they don't claim we are "death defying" or "the most dangerous thing in skydiving" and you decide to complain? We are given a great platform to speak eloquently about the sport, and you choose this one bit of info to decide you need to "purge quickly"? We had host who actually came quite prepared and informed on skydiving, and asked intelligent well thought out questions, and you claim "no no no not good"? FYI...He actually messaged us frantically for a correction, because he knew it was a mistake, sadly it was too late to correct for the air date. Wingsuiting have been hyped all week on a NATIONAL cable channel, and you think something has "gone awry"? Seriously...are any of you ever happy? Must there ALWAYS be an argument? I will tell you whats gone awry...I know what needs purged quickly...its this fucking forum and all the idiots in it. When was the last positive thing posted? Hell...people even placed a negative comment over Matt Hoovers book! Someone does their first flight...and all you can do is take out agendas over suit choices... Get over yourselves... Oh and to leave on a positive note, I just got a completely random email (found me through raise the sky)...This person saw the show and wants to start skydiving so he can go wingsuiting. I was fairly impressed he actually took the time to find an email address and ask for more info. Guess the show wasn't so bad after all huh?? edit to fix links...nothing else
  12., your tivo lied twice!!... In an email sent to me from the producer: "Hello All, It's air time for the next episode of "Popular Science's Future of...Adventure". The show will air on The Science Channel at 9pm ET/PT on 10/19/09. Thank you for all your hard work in making this show possible. Enjoy! --- Production Manager The Incubator" I saw the was great!!! Will post more later...
  13. Just to be clear, this is AVCHD that has been converted. No apple product can (nor ever will) provide AVCHD playback. Once converted, it's no longer AVCHD. Correct Spot, I guess I was referring to the playback feature in the "Log and Transfer" window, not actual native editing - which is the converted AIC. Sorry for the lack of clairty. Is the preview in "log and transfer" also a conversion of the .mts?
  14. Final Cut Express does not have ProRes....only AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec) as Spot mentioned. Like he said, Streamclip seems unnecessary. The system you described should be more than sufficient for using Final Cut Express. My dual 2.8, 4 gigs of ram, 512 graphics is more than enough for real time playback of AVCHD, and reasonable renders. Good luck!
  15. I think his name is Turner But hopefully not evil just yet... Nature or nurture??
  16. ugh, as james found computer BLOWS for AVCHD... I'm in importing hell, and will be for a while... Stay tuned folks!
  17. Shut it zach... I think you guys did a great job! Nice job!
  18. made me go and break my vow to stop posting on this site... Um...I believe tony was going to have Tristen video...but don't quote me on that. Tony is at Tiki this weekend...I'll have him email you. Can't wait for the comp!
  19. Is there some way to lock out people from posting in the wingsuit forum who have: >200 jumps or >18 months in the sport or >300 posts or -no name or location disclosed or -argue for sub 200 jump requirements I mean really.... all of the above criteria lead me to believe you are: -a troll or -a lawyer fishing for legal material or -a hot shot who thinks that all that came before him are idiots, and that rules do not apply to you Get out and jump or at least grow a pair and fess up to who you are before picking arguments with the most experienced wingsuiters in the sport.
  20. This suit is 1000000x the suit the XS was. Compared to my Marl performance last year, I feel that I improve in all of the above criteria. In addition to that, the suit flys sooooooo much better. Turns are less radical and less steep. Arm position/pressure is so much easier (mine is swept back atleast 3 inches from what the XS was at 90 degrees). It is less washy. It is more stable. For example, on the XS, I felt during max flights that I really was on a beach ball.... fighting for my balance. Now, in the X-Bird, it feel like I am part of the suit, not fighting it. I mentioned that I was fatigued yesterday..but today I feel none of the hard core fatigue I would feel after and XS distance flight. I attribute that to the better arm wing. Overall, it is a more polished XS. The XS was/is good, but it really paved the way for the X-Bird. Love for my X-Bird
  21. Thought I should chime in as well... I, too, was on that flight, only mine lasted 15 seconds longer 3:45 - take that J-Sho!! I LOOOVVVEEE my X-Bird. Exit point was 5 miles, and what a flight. This was the second Time/Distance flight of the day, so fatigue was really a factor for both of us. (a side note, I'm feeling great today!) I feel the initial turn (180) hurts us a bit, and we still were not far enough out to make a straight run back to deployment. On the GPS note, what is everyone using now? Recommendations? Because God damn its hard to please you guys!!
  22. Amazing Taya, simply amazing! This will be the moment people look back on years from now, as the day wingsuiting really became something. Wingsuiters everywhere should be toasting Taya for her hard work!