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Everything posted by peggs82

  1. noooooo, go put the one at Locarno up, the one with the light coming towards us, lovely pic I thought this was a thread about pics of "you flying"..... well ok since you asked...I took this one in Locarno Switzerland and the other in lauterbrunnen on the Fat American Tour '08 aka... Team Tony Suit Euro Trip... sigh...and I was trying to save this stuff for the mag...
  2. Call em whatever you want...I think we'll just call em what they really are..! SCALLOPS!
  3. Yes that is jeffs xs. The suit is to be respected for sure, not for the casual wingsuiter. It is an amazing suit however. We flew ours at marl, and even though 3 of us had fewer than 15 jumps on it, we managed 1,3, and 5th in distance. The idea of the grippers is to fly them in the up position. Think winglets on a passenger jet. Jeff (who has by far the most jumps on it) says that it does make a significant difference in his time/distance flights. In slower flocks, he uses them as flaps for slow speed. Pull time with this suit is for the experienced wing suiter. It is not hard, but it is not recomended for someone not used to big wings. I'm sure there will be more to come from jeff, but thats the short story I hate time and distance flights.....except when I'm flying the xs
  4. Whew....where to begin?? What a great time I had at this boogie! Firstly, to all my new friends, it was a pleasure meeting and flying with you all. It was wonderful to finally put some faces with the names I know only through! Secondly, I would like to thank all involved with the boogie. Flock U, Tony Suits, VASST, and importantly Skydive Pepperrell for hosting us. A special thank you to all who contributed prizes and loads to the boogie. Tony, Skyjester, VASST, Aerodyne, Mirage, and any others I'm leaving out... Thanks as well to Rick for the free really was breath taking on the plane when Justin made the announcement. It was an honor! Thank you as well to our fantastic pilots who gave us exactly what we wanted every time! To my group of flyers: Thanks for coming along and really making my dives fun! I hope you all learned something from what we were working on, and I hope you continue to improve! We had some really great flocks, well above average for people who only had as low as 3 wing suit jumps!!!
  5. No phil in the dive pool pics = no phil at the boogie!!! Pending weather outlook i'll see you tomorrow
  6. I've got some a little tony suit/top gun bonding
  7. TOOO F'ING FUNNY!!!! Scott that made my morning
  8. peggs82


    I have mine...its an aad Very hard for anyone to say how much the like or loath theirs unless it has a I right? All we can do is comment on our perception of its build quality. If it ever saves me, I'll really love it
  9. No Campos?....Its a fake!
  10. peggs82


    Yeah basically what the others have said, i wouldn't worry about it too much. I have 2 full on RIPS in the knee of one of my suits, and after more than 200 jumps on it, it never progressed. And that was in a major area... On the back? I wouldn't stress
  11. I've always thought that the long and skinny people fly pretty good. But yes're right....skills more than anything
  12. IanHarrop - I'm trying to re-read my post and see where you were offended by my suggestion of fully executing safety procedures no matter what safety devices you choose to jump with?? No where did I mention any specific circumstances, point figers, or list any names what-so-ever. I even prefaced my post with a "this has nothing to do with the elsinore incident". I simply stated to pull silver. But to head you off, I guess I'll amend that statement. Attempt to pull silver (taking into account harness deformation and incapacitation) What I was addressing stems specifically from situations like this... Student waits for cypress and this.... Wait for RSL? The reason I posted what I posted was to address the student thought of "I'll wait for something to happen" which I have PERSONALLY heard stated. Being as how lurkers and new to skydiving students do read these threads, I thought that it would be a good idea to correct an incorrect line of thinking. I in no way referred to the tragedy in elsinore or suggested that is what he was doing. The number of cypress related posts on this thread prompted my response, where I thought that it might do some good. ZigZag - Not argueing against AAD's, RSLs or Skyhooks at all. Not one bit. Just said not to rely on them. You better believe Airtec would be on my christmas card list if they saved my ass. To all - I only piped in because the thread had taken a turn to a cypress discussion.
  13. This following post HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INCIDENT AT ELSINORE (just want to throw that out there as I have not read about what happened there) But in my opinion - RSL, Skyhook, AAD, edt - if you come down on your reserve without all your handles did something wrong!! Waiting for your *insert device name here* to get your reserve over your head is just stupid
  14. I am actually very puzzled by the release of the Tengu. To me, it seems like they took features away from the blade. If you are looking for an all around suit from BM, I would suggest the Blade over the Tengu. Maybe the S6/S8 as well. Why get rid of the back vents?? PF - Ghost is a good option for an all around suit. Its a step up from the phantom, but still has some flexibility for aerobatic
  15. Someone pay the weather bill quick! There aren't any of you TWATs coming to foul it up are you???
  16. Bit off topic, but here is my Wingsuiting advice to you - take it or leave it - Get rid of the freefly pud if you are going to do any kind of wingsuiting. Get it replaced with a hackey right now. An untucked pud is a premature waiting to happen, by snag or by wind. And a tucked one is an added complication to your deployment. Can you get away with it? Sure... But is it worth the $20 buck to have it changed?
  17. Any competent rigger should be able to take care of that. Sounds like a minor job
  18. wow But come on guys! Hang on! You missed a prime opportunity for a 2 way Mr. Bill!!! Besides...there's no excuse for dropping the grip on exit..and if you do, I want you to land with my gripper still in your hand!! /joking - glad everyone was ok!
  19. Yeah I thought that too Mark it up to new engine/new pilot jitters. Any who...I still find with the prop blast and the number of jumpers and the large door all contribute to me saying that it is just unnecessary to climb out
  20. excellent point!! never really thought of that
  21. The last scenario you described is how I'd do it. Climbing out of a porter SUCKS in a WS. Well atleast where I've jumped them...very high speed made it hard. Say there were 6 of you...I would have 3 of you sit with your legs on the step, butt close to the edge, knees angeled forward to the prop. The next 3 behind diving. Starting with the rear-most guy then middle then front. Divers following. I wouldn't worry about trying to chunk 6 out the door in 1 second... remember, your in a have a bit of time to group up. Make sure the base flys with the plane for a bit and your good to go! edit to add... I pitty the poor bastards who try to fit more than say 6 Wingsuiters in a porter...ugh....