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    Skydive Long Island
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  1. Perfect...both of you, thank you. You answered my question, 100%!!!!
  2. Hello everyone, I'm looking to buy my 1st rig (used)online and was woundering how it all works w/ going through your DZ/certified rigger? If any one has done it, what is the normal process, do you normally pay half for them to ship it, then if everything is good the other half goesout.....or what? i'm new and not looking to get screwed! i know to as my instructor....jsut asking about it here 1st. thanks
  3. Yea, i believe the manufactored year is 94 or 96
  4. Last season i finished my training. I couldnt continue to get my A lic b/c i ran out of money and maxed 1 credit card, so i plan to get my A this season. i'm looking for my 1st rig before i start so that i can savein the long run. if it helps the rig i was looking at, its canpoy was a Flight Concepts 7-Cell main CReW 245 Sharpchuter F-111 Canopy and a Raven II 211 7-cell reserve....out of a dolphin container.
  5. HHey guys need alittle help. I'm new to the sport and looking to buy ym 1st rig and hearing and see alot about crew chuts...... What are crew rig or chuts compared to regular chut and what it recommended for a beginner? THANKS!
  6. SDLI is a great DZ! like stated before is has a big, easy landing zone....the view up top is awesome. You can see both folks of the island and the sound/atlantic. The staff is friendly along w/ the fellow skydivers. the only prob is that of which your running into, the LIRR is not far at all but alittle price along w/ the taxi far....but its well worth it!!!! this the link to closest hotel, 3 exits away GOOD LUCK
  7. finally made out there today, the last day....made my 1st solo after AFF, dont worry SDLI the Beers are coming, lol!!! The only thing was i didnt get to jump the CASA, the winds were alittle heavy and when i finally got up it was in the Caravan...but still fun!!!
  8. So whats the word??? how is it....i cant wait till this weekend!!!
  9. how long is the CASA going to be there...all week??? i wont be able to make it there untill sunday....maybe saterday after work if i'm lucky
  10. I'm going to try and make it...still in the middle of my AFF though. I'm trying to get it dont by this weekend.
  11. I'll be out there tomorrow, 7/30, 1st thing in the morning.