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Everything posted by Rbsheffield

  1. 4th of 7 Tandems Jeanne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFNp9gJln5E 5th of 7 tandems: Vic Jr. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CpWnZvPjlM 6th of 7 Tandems Eric http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db6GO66bNEw Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  2. 3rd Tandem out of 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhyZhJf_mJ8 Nice Soft Easy Stand Up Landing within the pit. Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  3. 2nd of 7 Tandems Sept 27th Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  4. Tandem Pictures Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  5. Thanks to Mile High Skydiving Center! Many thanks to all...Meghan, Eric All the still and video photographers. And Frank Casares!! Thanks a million. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em80G8mgBIM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyuYsf8A2ac Pics: http://s480.photobucket.com/albums/rr161/rbsheffield/ Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  6. SSG Charlie Hall Jr. Golden Knight 1968 - 1975 Golden Knight of the Year 1972 Gold Demonstation Team Member Competition Team Chief Master Sergeant (E-9) in the Air Force Reserve at Charleston AFB, SC Glad someone had an updated email my last one was mailto:charlie.hall@charleston.af.mil Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  7. As many times Ive stomped on that target with 2 smoke canisters w/slag still hot and somebody wants a target? Generally placed into a T shape letting everyone know which way the ground wind is blowing. And also this is the hold sign with the target in a "T". Only when the show is ready will the target leg be extended into an "X". And there is one more go around before the first exit. ie... flag jumper for the National Anthem, soon as he lands then there maybe a delay so the ground control would put the target back into a "T", then when ready again the X, then the next pass is hot! I believe the dimension were about 20'x20' and 3 feet wide of a burlap bag material so that leaves you a black center square with a 5" diameter circle for the deadcenter mark. The ends have a sown in pack weights to keep the wind from dragging it across the taxiway in times of high winds. Or go to http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/GoldenKnights/Webpage2005_content.html Click History then Photo Gallery wait till they load and its the 12th picture is a good example. GK of the Year! 1984 Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I
  8. Old school!!! Yuma AZ. circa 1979 Robert Sheffield United States Army Parachute Team 1979 - 1986 ATP/Instrument/CFI-I