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    Carolina Sky Sports
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  1. Sounds like you've got a stuck app. I've had that happen a couple times. Best way to see which process is stuck is to have iStatPro on your dashboard. Other option is to go to terminal (apps->utilities->terminal) and run top. Top lists the top processes on the system. You're looking for the one with the highest %CPU usage. If it is a stuck process, you'll need to determine which one before you can fix it. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  2. I evacuated NJ about a year ago and moved down to NC. Best move I ever could have made. Cost of living is amazing. I pay as much for a 3 bedroom house as I did for a 1 bedroom apartment in Jersey. Lots of places to hike, and plenty of nice lakes around (I'm a kayaker too), even some culture in the city. There is a joke around here that Cary (suburb of Raleigh) is an acronym for Central Area for Relocated Yankees. Ironically the only thing I can't tell you much about is the nearest DZ... I haven't jumped since I've moved, but I hear good things about Carolina Sky Sports. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  3. I usually stick to lurking around here, but seeing as none of the other Mac geeks have replied yet... Yes, you can use the same external for both, as long as they are both intel Macs. You might want to check this article out: It talks about some things that can screw with time machine. Also, if you're using Aperature, that doesn't get along well with time machine. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  4. legorowbot

    Beer Pong

    Beer pong is great! I think I've played it before... I'm pretty sure. I don't really remember now come to think of it... "fog of beer" clouding things up a bit. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  5. I got into an agrument once over the phone with a shipping person from Verizon. I live in an apartment, but it doesn't have an apartment number. She refused to belive that was possible. She could not belive that I was getting mail and packages at my address without an apartment number. So I ended up having to make up an apartment number just to shut her up and get her to send me the replacement phone. Luckily it made it. Better watch out... there are stupid people lurking everywhere Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  6. Yeah they're having problems. I can see people online, but I get an error if I try to send them a message. Another high quality Microsoft product! Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  7. I was going to, but it wouldn't be funny now Oh, and that would be left hand... not right. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  8. Good to know since I'm staying in Auburn all week for work. The accents are driving me nuts! Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  9. I'm still feeling the effects of a bad landing about a month ago. I dropped from a navigator 260 to a silhouette 230 on a windy day. Between the smaller faster canopy and the high winds, I got my landing pattern all screwed up. I should have taken a crosswind landing, but I tried to get into the wind. I almost made it. I flared at the last possible second and bounced off my ass. The flare lifted me up a couple feet off the ground, so it looked like I bounced to everyone watching. I was lucky though, just a bruised tailbone and the wind knocked out of me. I got a good long talking to from one of the instructors for that one, after he made sure I was OK of course. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  10. ;; Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  11. Nope, no one went through it. There were a couple low clouds and a ceiling around 25000. I got some shots of 20-30 ways from the ground. Not great shots, but with the high clouds you could easily pick out the individual jumpers Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  12. If its one of the driving GPS units, it probably doesn't have the features of a hiking/backpacking GPS like marking a waypoint. I have a Magellan roadmate. It'll let me save an address as "home", and save addresses to an address book, but I can't go to a location and mark it as a waypoint. My Garmin Foretrex costs 1/4 what the roadmate costs, but its got the expected waypoint/route/track features. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  13. My background tends to change frequently, but I've had this one up for a while. I don't know who the jumper is, but I took this a couple months ago after I did my third tandem. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  14. legorowbot

    Firefox 2

    I didn't know the middle-click to close trick... that's pretty neat. Since we're sharing firefox tips, hold down the right mouse button and scroll with the scroll wheel. Cycles through the tabs. And if you have a side scroll, sideways goes through that tabs history. Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?
  15. Of the two, DD is better. If I have to go to Starbucks, I'll have tea, thanks. Panera bread beats them both though. I love their hazelnut coffee