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Everything posted by SpiritFingers

  1. Girl, when the hell are you gonna make it back out to Cali - Byron misses you and so do I. Congrats on all the great news. I'm super happy for you. How about throwing in a Cabo trip as well. The hubby and I are planning to throw down in Cabo and possibly make it a skydiving trip - if we get enough of us to go then maybe we can get a King Air.. I'm glad youre having a great time in Texas but get your ass back here soon.
  2. I don't know who this turtle person is but everytime i see a post from him/her i think of this pic i took in Hawaii 2 yrs ago. Makes me smile.
  3. I work in downtown San Francisco. I was walking into the building, heading toward Starbucks when i heard someone talking about it. Very confused, I walked to the elevators and ran into another building tenant who confirmed that a plane just went into the WTC. By the time i got upstairs i walked into the traders room just in time to see the second plane hit. Still in shock and very confused we just sat there and watched for a while. When the first building collapsed we then decided to evacuate the office. It was chaos from there. Lost a lot of friends in the business that day. Its still hard to watch anything about it now. It really is a sad sad day...
  4. Yes, bruises are normal (at least for me) while going thru AFF. I actually graduated on Sunday and have to wait until Sat as well to make my solo jump. But back to the bruises. I'm covered in bruises both from the gear and from landings. The student gear is usually a one size fits all and not comfortable. But at least it will get you thru AFF and keep you safe until you can order your own gear. Good luck have fun and stay safe.
  5. Alright, I apologize for going off. I'm just really bummed for you because i know how much you want this. I understand the fear issues and all i can say is once you do it - you will love it. Its all in the first step babe... note: if you can talk your self out it then you can talk your self into it. Keep us posted and let us know how the weekend goes. Again my apologies for going off...I'm told i come off a bit strong and i should probably work on that. Sorry if i offended you in anyway. ps: heard something this morning that made me laugh my ass off: "Kids see a sandbox and want to play in it. Cats see a sandbox and want to shit in it - dont be catty"
  6. WHAT????? Not acceptable. I Just wont have it. STOP and i scream STOP thinking about it so much... didnt we already have this discussion? Its like getting on a roller coaster (the anxiety is normal). Youre in great hands - you dont have to do a thing - and once you do it you will love it. Its the first step thats always scary as hell. But i promise, suck it up and do and you will have a blast. My apologies for being a bit harsh but i was so looking forward to you doing this. Okay, I realize that was really harsh. And if youre not ready then youre not ready... i'll support you either way. But i'm not changing what i wrote above cause that really was my initial thoughts.
  7. Jewels, I expect to see a post on Monday morning with all the details of your first actual experience. I'm doing levels 6, 7 and hopefully 8 this weekend and I'm almost more excited for you and your first escape from the plane. That actual first time is permanently engraved in my mind. God, I cant wait to hear all about it. Have a great time.
  8. This tunnel thing sounds interesting - i should try it sometime... Is it very different from actual free fall? I thought it was used more as a tool to fine tune your skills post AFF. Now i need to find the closest one and see what i can do. Sounds fun.
  9. I know nothing about tunnels. So does that mean if you complete a tunnel course you dont have to go through AFF...? this is one of those stupid questions i was talking about.
  10. wow, you are so much more advanced than i am. I'm not even at the point of thinking about my personal fall rate. All my instructors are adjusting theirs to accommodate mine. Its all things you learn in time. I'm usually not one for giving advice but i myself got some great stuff a couple of weeks ago from an instructor. And with your experience you may be able to relate to this: because i know more about the sport than normal students, i tend to overthink things way to much. I have too high of expectations for myself and thats slowing me down. It shouldnt be this hard. And its totally true. Once i slowed my mind down just a bit i was able to have a much better time and had my best skydive. It worked for me.
  11. I agree the door still scares the s**t out of me... It sounds like you have plenty of tunnel experience (of which i am totally jealous) so you'll be fine in freefall... but i agree with others that are saying to start with a tandem. That will at least give you an idea of what to expect when you do it on your own. Its also a comfort knowing that you dont have to do anything the first time but enjoy the ride and experience. Let me know when you actually do it - i want to hear all about it. Take care.
  12. I'm not sure how to respond to all here- but I'll try this... SkyMama, Thanks for the welcome. Jewels, Its much easier than it looks - just get on the plane and then youre committed - there is no turning back and you wont want to anyway. Jean, It was great seeing you this weekend. Did you make level 6..? What do i have to look forward too? Funny story: Just checked my bosses calendar and he's at Monterey right now with his sis doing tandems. It only took me 2 years to convince him. I'll give you the low down next time i see you. Have a safe trip. Sarah
  13. So after 3 tandems within 2 years and just as long hanging out at the DZ I finally decided to go through with AFF. I'm currently on level 6 (after I failed level 5 twice). I'm not usually much of a forum fan but I've decided I could probably learn a few things from the folks around here and if not at least I'll make a couple of new friends. So I just wanted to say hi and thanks in advance to all of you for the answers to many stupid questions to come. Even though I've been around the sport for 2 years, there is still a lot I need to learn, so thanks again. Sarah