Just a few days ago I took my first plunge into the air from 10500 ft. Obviously I was getting a video to remember my first and only jump. Once I landed the only thing I could say was.... Where do I pay to go back up? I went up 2 more times. All I can think about is how to get back upstairs now. Since then I have been planning a trip to Arizona for 2 maybe 3 weeks to get all my jumps and instruction at the sametime to get my A License. The one thing I am struggling with before spending all this money is that I have no clue what to look for in a chute. I know if I am going to be doing all of this at once I need to get myself a chute or else I'll be living with this constant need to be up there with nothing to bring me safely down. I need some help as to what to buy, where to buy it, what to look for, is new or used the best way......
Any help anyone can give me is greatly appreciated. I have been surfing the net and anything else I can get my hands on to answer some questions.
Please Help!!!!