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Everything posted by Flyinace2000

  1. Is my priuce range realistic for a complete setup?
  2. I did a search and read a bunch of the articles. I did my first tandem jump last weekend and I want MORE. So i am looking into buying my first rig. Can you please recomend some equipment and sizes. I am 5'10" and 190 lbs. I will definetly want to buy used because....its cheaper. I don't want to spend more that $1900/$2000. I have read about AAD and that seems like an outstanding idea. So what can yo uall recomend? THANKS
  3. Where should i post about training questions, getting certified and buying my own rig. :-D
  4. Hello all, Just did my first jump on Sunday. Went with my friend for his birthday. Did a tandum jump and as you may of guessed, it was awesome. So now i am Doing my research on how the whole student thing works. Just wanted to say hello. -Will