i'll agree to the fact that numbers were low. there's no doubting that. i've went to wffc the past two years, a group of buddies dragged me up there in 05 and i had a blast, i didn't even skydive. it was the atmosphere that made it the best thing i've been to. and on the landing issue, i know there were less people then ever this year, but i took two aff classes and had absolutely no problem with othere free fallers, or traffic under canopy. landing wise, there is plenty of room, and multipule landing areas for the swoopers, and crosswind landers. and a seperate area where they ask the students to land, so you don't have to worry about the people who have no idea what they're doing as much. Most people just don't realize it, or don't want to walk from the wrong side of base, even though it's roughly the same distance. in the two years i've been there the first year there were two fatalities, in ten days, with umteen hundreds of loads going up. and this year there was only one, and not to bash or stir bad feelings, but it seemed to be his fault. from what i've seen, there have been more golf cart and mini bike injurys then skydiving injurys, and if we stick to being in control of the situation, then that could be cut to just golf cart injurys because those are so much easier to heal from. if you're still thinking about going, stop thinking, and just go next year. if you don't like it for some crazy reason then don't go again, but thats a slim to no chance idea.