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Everything posted by bitmonkey

  1. Hi, I'm about to do my AFF in the next couple of months, and I'm considering doing 20 or 40 minutes in a tunnel to help build freefall skill quicker. Should I do some tunnel time before AFF1, or get some real jumps first then use the tunnel time to improve once I've got a base to work from? thanks.
  2. Hi, If I did AFF in the US and got an USPA A licence, would this be valid in the UK and Europe? If not, is there any way to convert it, or what do I have to do to get a BPA licence. If it's possible at reasonable cost, what are the advantages/disadvantages of doing AFF in the states. thanks.
  3. Hi all, I'm new on the forum, seems like a great group, after several years of wanting to do an AFF course it looks like I'll probably be able to do it soon - I have a couple of questions: - Once I've done the AFF and 10 jumps what remains to be done to get my licence - I've heard about 3 different courses for different kinds of jumping, do I only need to do one of these, or is it required/common to do more than one, and approximately what will it cost me? - How "current" do I have to be to jump once I've got my licence - is there a period of time after which I have to revalidate my licence if I haven't jumped? - What gear will I need to buy once I've done the AFF, and what will it all cost me if I buy second-hand (price for good second hand gear, rather than cheapest price please). How long will a first set of gear typically last me? Sorry for the newbie questions, and hope I haven't asked questions that are in a FAQ somewhere - if there are any good FAQs that cover these kind of questions a link would be much appreciated. Thanks. Paul