I've done a couple of tandems in the past 3 years and about 10 years ago, did the sponsored 2,500ft static line sponsored charity jump.
The 2,500 ft static line jump was more scary than my first tandem at 14,000. The sencond tandem at 14,000 was even more scary....
Now at long last, I have just commited to go to Lake Wales DZ and do my skydiving course! (happens in December this year)
Part of me is looking forward to it with awesome eagerness, the other part of me is peeing my pants!
When I get to the door and have that nano second of fear, will I be able to go? Or will I crumble?
When I get out of the door, will I remember everything I have been taught and do the thing right, or will I fold up into the fetal position and crumble?
If I crumble, will the two guys holding each side of me be able to sort me out...?
Either way, my yearning to do this overcomes all and I'm gonna try....
Is it normal to be so scared??