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  1. Thanks for the posts. I not so long ago came up for a landing and came very close to nailing a piece of hard re-bar (with a small flag on it) sticking out about 4 feet off the ground. I think the point of this steel rod is so people stay away from the beer line. Anyways, either I just forgot about it or didnt see it cuz it was dark, but either way I pictured my convulsing body on the ground (had I hit it) and got scared. Not sure how my landings will look from now on.... Matt
  2. Just wondering peoples thought on close calls.... I don't just mean near misses with the ground, but with others jumpers, obstacles (big or small) etc. I'm thinking of some incidents where you walked away but it scared the crap out of you. Has anyone out there stopped swooping because of some close calls? Any thoughts will be helpful. Matt
  3. I flew a crossbow a few times. I flew a skyflyer just recently, and found my experience to be contradictory. First jump was very stable, not problems, did a 2way and I was shocked that people say they have problems keeping it stable. Second Jump was a solo and I was trying to go faster. Really played with my body position a lot. As a direct result of that, I found myself on my back (don't really know what happened there, any thoughts welcome) Upon recovery, I must have been tense or something(scared), because that was when I had a hard time keeping the suit stable. Either way, I flew a huge circuit around skydiveaz, and it was fun. Later, Matt
  4. Not sure how many people check the 'talk back' forum, so I thought i'd post this here aswell. I'm looking for video of pics of Patrick de Gayardon's flights over the 'hut' in the french alps, and of his Grand Canyon adventures. Can't really find much out there. http://www.wcfauna.ee/~peedu/patric/article-us.html Thanks, Matt
  5. Does anyone know of or have video of Patrick flying his wingsuit through the Canyon, or over the mountain in the french alps (Aiguille du Midi)? Even pictures would be sweet! For anyone who doesn't know of him check this website out! http://www.wcfauna.ee/~peedu/patric/article-us.html Matt
  6. Dude, I won't post my OPINIONS here, but you seem very sure of your self on this one; and I have 2 thing to say. 1) Why are you trying to convince people of your OPINION! 2) I hope your family and friends are as sure as you are... for their sake. Matt K.
  7. I just picked one up in Calgary, they have a whole wack of this poster. My product # is the same as mentioned above... Says on the bottom, Thomas Ulrich 2002
  8. I emailed you at your hotmail account Matt
  9. Hey, Is anyone driving north (the further the better) from Eloy in late Feb? I'm looking for a ride as close to Canada as possible. Also, does anyone have experience flying standby or student standby? Thinks like cost and likelyhood of catching a plane would be sweet! Thanks, Matt
  10. mjkoziel


    Hey, I posted this in "Places to jump" but thought I 'd try here too. Has anyone been to the Varadero International Skydiving Center in Cuba, or heard anything about them... Their email is down right now. Thanks, Matt
  11. Yo, Whats the deal with needing a username and password for ftp.skydivingmovies.com? ---Never mind--- M
  12. In my opinion, happy voters = re-election. With the want for bigger SUVs (for a specific example) Gas can't get to 2.50 /gal. That makes for some seriously ticked off voters. This is why I think that The US wants to keep from having to pay very high prices for oil... But at what cost, I don't know. Although I dred to think it, when we do run out of oil, in a few hundred years or so, (assuming we still have a planet) perhaps this whole oil thing will resolve itself - and even if it is only to be replaced by another problem, at least it's a change of pace. M
  13. Dude! Did you just say Bad Guy's. Maybe they are EVIL too. Maybe anyones opinion that is different than ours is EVIL. M
  14. Hi, I just heard a university speaker on the radio saying that the Bush administration is using the need for a "war on terror" as an excuse for a sort of global domination. The "war" is giving them the opportunity to have a military influence in most countries... especially the ones that are major oil producers - hence giving the US control of Oil. The speaker went on to parallel this with the threat of "communism" in the 50's as an excuse to make war in Korea and Vietnam. The general theme was that the Administration was blinding the people, with what he called propaganda, to eat this reason as an excuse to make war and perpetuate the USA's need for control of the Middle east oil. Just wondering if anyone has the American peoples perspective on this. Thanks, Matt
  15. Hello, Im just wondering if anyone has any info on the Icarus team RW suit from South Africa. I don't think this has anything to do with Icarus Canopies. I'm looking for quality info and any other useful info. Thanks, M