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  1. yeah, that's what i thought... so if i'm not going to be able to input/output directly from/to another camera, can anyone think of a good reason not to get the NTSC tg1, which seem a lot cheaper than the PAL tg3? if i'm going to have to d/load to my laptop first then can the video be converted from NTSC to upload to a PAL camera fairly easily at the dz? does anyone else do this?
  2. hey guys, just started looking at this camera and have to say it looks pretty good. i'm curious about the lack of the DV in/out. and for those that have already had a chance to use this camera, how have you gotten around the inability to output a clip of a jump to a buddy with a, lets say, pc1000 at the dropzone. but more importantly how have you been grabbing the video of your jump from someone else's camera? i'm hoping there's some way around this without having to use a laptop everytime... but i'm not sure how!
  3. Recently came back from Lillo, where I did my 8 levels of AFF and 10 consols. Just thought I'd cotribute my 2 cents, since there's not been a recent review of this awesome dropzone. From the time that I started to look at a Spanish DZ to do my AFF course at, to the time I was dropped off back at the train station, I felt nothing but an amazing level of professionalism, friendliness, and genuine care and attention. It's a fairly small DZ that is run by a bunch of fantastic people, so if you're a student or a regular jumper, you will get 100% attention. There is always someone with truly world-class experience on hand to talk you through a new exit or just a few words of encouragement. The weather in July was beautiful, a little hot, but manageable. As a student, I was only put on a weather hold 2 or 3 times due to the midday winds, which tend to pick up when the ground is really hot. I had a dedicated instructor- Marcus and managed to do my AFF jumps in about a day and a half. From my perspective as an AFF student there, I cannot recommend Lillo enough to anyone thinking of doing their course. Cannot wait to get back there!!! Blue skies, Al.