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  1. I've come across a similar story (no own chute, grabbing hold of another crew memeber's leg) with a Halifax crew member called Joe Herman. Maybe this is the story you remember from High School. Check out these two links for more information: and
  2. @ those who delivered further information on this subject: Thank you all again. It is interesting to read your posts and just confirms what I have stated before - depending on what the situation was EXACTLY like it could've been or not been. So I might have been told a fib or I might not. At any rate: knowing that these last minute rescues ARE possible I am feeling MUCH safer now. Maybe I should consider learning skydiving too and have my extremely cool behind pushed out of a plane
  3. This is what I really LOVE about forums. You get a fairly objective point of view from an outsider from time to time! I always thought my friends called me Zaphod because of my three arms! I never considered the two heads question... How blind can you be - being equipped with four eyes already??? TA!
  4. Ey, Affi, no rhethorical questions pleeeaaazzzz. They are soooo tiring...
  5. @Kevin Keenan: Yes, very surprisingly he was the rescuer... How come you knew???
  6. No I am not confusing it. I do leave the cinema when a movie is really bad or I manage to press the power button on my remote control unless I am already snoring away... However, maybe the guy who told me so was uhm kind of confused
  7. Thanks for your replies so far. Unfortunately I don't have many details on this jump. If I remember correctly guy #2 told me he was still on the plane when he saw guy #1 having problems. However, I might be mistaken about this. If the story is true it has happened in a special ops unit and guy #2 was the trainer. Anyway. Since I don't have any details or certain information I suppose the quintessence is: Maybe I havent been told a fib - or maybe I have... Thanks for your willingness to reply to a Dummy, though!
  8. Hello! Contrary to most of you here I am not an expert at all! I have a question to the expert though. Maybe someone out here can enlighten me... Would the following scenario be possible? Guy # 1 jumps out of the plane. His parachute fails to open. Guy # 2 still in plane can see this and jumps with own parachute, gets to guy #1, catches him and both land together? Thanks in advance! Z.