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Everything posted by n2bender

  1. Good mix of Belly and Freeflyers even some Birdmen and Crew guys around if that floats your boat. All skill levels from tandem and 1st jump to sky gods without the sky god attitude , take a look around you when visiting almost every staff member is a USPA AFF instructor or USPA Coach from the riggers and tandem masters to the video guys and girls, not to mention several local jumpers that are USPA coaches as well so there is always somebody around willing to answer any question you might have. Safety is key at this dropzone and everybody looks out for each other, procedures are followed by the book and enforced by the DZO and Manifest no matter whose feelings get hurt. Skydive Alabama is a fantastic dropzone to visit even if just for a day , I learn something new every time I make it down there great people = great times.