As part of a visiting group from the UK, I found this to be a vary welcoming and hospitable DZ. Despite my very basic grasp of the Italian language, great effort was made by the staff and regulars to communicate in a friendly manner. I only mention this because it has not been the case at all DZs that I've visited where English is not the first language (admittedly, my attempts at learning other languages could be more thorough!). Coaching was provided free of charge - not even requiring the payment of the coaches slot and the aircraft were ideal. The manifestor ensured that we got on as many lifts as we wanted to (bearing in mind that us northern Europeans weren't exactly acclimatised to the heat of central Italy!)and the owner made a point of introducing himself to us individually to welcome us to the DZ. As a final example of the friendliness extended to us: on our last night in Italy some of the staff and regulars from the DZ invited us out for dinner with them - and an excellent time was had by all. Tremendous!