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  1. Quote9 inches and 246. Have I misunderstood the thread title? RosQuote I am 1 and 0... But hopefull to get that first
  2. Definately take up rock climbing. I have been a technial rock climbing/instructor for 15+ years and have found that climbing (esp. big walls) really creates, in oneself, a high order of situational awareness and a keen eye for gear detail. As I took my first AFF jump I found that I reverted back to my habits learned on the rock: recognize the problem, determine the severity of problem, execute solution, reevaluate situation, repeat. Fear wasn't on my mind; not doing things properly was. As it was, I did ok and had a GREAT TIME. I am on my way to getting my license. Your skydiving experiences will serve you well, if you do decide to climb. Inasmuch as I never look at the sky the same way now after only one FF, you surely will never look at a natural rock face the same way after climbing vertical....And that shift in paradgm is a bit of all-right and a whole lot of uh-huh!!! and Karma is real.
  3. Gato, I can completely identify with your observations. I did my first AFF a few weeks ago and have been monitoring this site since then. I have observed the following: 1. Since you and are are considered the most dangerous thing at the DZ, don't expect everyone to want to welcome you with open arms - a rather reasonable form of self-preservation by those in the know. 2. The vibe at the DZ can change from one visit to another. After my AFF class, the A/C broke down and I had to wait 3 weeks to take my first jump. The ground school instructor I had was highly engaging and made me believe that he was very conscientious of my safety and the dz was absolutely ALIVE. When I finally got to jump, three weeks later, my instructor was competent yet perfunctory and the DZ was very divided and definitely not jammin. I remembered what my original instructor said to me "This is your jump, you need to ask whatever you need in order to make it a good one." It is up to you to have a good/safe jump, regardless of the DZ vibe. 3. I am a certified rock climbing instructor (US Mountain Guide Association) and have been teaching big wall climbing (1,500+ft) for 11 years. Rock climbers and skydivers have a few common traits: very safety conscious; wearysome of the public/newbies; each group has its own pecking order of risk/reward practices - all with their vocal advocates/critics. In the final analysis I realize that from a (rock climbing) instructor perspective: I understand the emphatic insistence on safe practices by the skydiving community and the persuit thereof; because of that, I recognize that I am held in relative disgust until I have proven myself, consistently and over time. But, to quote Chairman Mao, "The longest journey begins with the first step.", so go for it. I am going to jump again, not because of the DZ vibe or because of the connection I had with my first instructor. Rather I am going to jump again because I had a great time in FF and I want to get better at it. I am the only one who makes either of those happen. In climbing we have a saying: I am what I am, I am all I am, and I am IT. It kinda means be honest, humble and knowledgeable of your abilities. Those virtues hold for rock climbing and skydiving, hell just about everything, wherever you go. Keep that midset at either DZ and you should have a good time. Lon "Immortality can be assured through spectacular failure" - R. Buckminster Fuller