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Everything posted by Halfpastniner

  1. I'm not going to drive 14 hours to find out. . 14 hours?? Im definitely not going in your car!! BASE 1384
  2. Lame!!! Must have been the new corporate masters BASE 1384
  3. that is an AWESOME idea!! ill be the guy paying the pilot to take you several miles downwind!! BASE 1384
  4. makeup? Either that or photoshop definitally not a fight read the first line of this thread BASE 1384
  5. US drinking laws are bullshit. It is a nice change of pace having a legal beer with dinner since I am in london at the moment . Better make it last, soon ill be back to being a "minor" again, albeit a minor who can go fight wars BASE 1384
  6. Thats why we should be training students on duel soft handles from the get go. "Look blue, grab blue, look blue, pull blue, pull blue" BASE 1384
  7. At our DZ, the RSL is tacked to the container with a small thread to keep it from getting caught on deploying risers. Obviously the thread would break if the RSL was used. BASE 1384
  8. When i started packing at my DZ, my mom strictly forbid me from ever jumping. She even threatened to cut the college funding. Needless to say, I called her bluff Of course it helped having a dad who jumped with my DZO back in the day. At least he understands BASE 1384
  9. Been drinkin? BASE 1384
  10. When I turned 10 my dad told me to get a job Seriously tho, just get the kid an Ipod, you can get the "shuffle" for around $50 bucks and he'll get to go to school with his Ipod instead of the bargin basement variety. Plus when he does loose it thats only like, what, 3 hop + Pops BASE 1384
  11. I have a rockstar as well. They are awesome! BASE 1384
  12. Just doing our job to stimulate the economy! BASE 1384
  13. I think that Ive watched all the movies you've produced
  14. Nah you can tie 'em back up, they'll just be a bit shorter. BASE 1384
  15. A rigger packed you a collapsed slider?!?!?! Jesus BASE 1384
  16. My old man was a cop for 20 years. Being a cop is great if you like dealing with stupid people all day everyday He would get calls about grass clippings blowing onto neighbors driveways, trash cans too close to the street, ect. Needless to say, he bought his military time and retired early to sell houses BASE 1384
  17. Did they have their A license at this time? If so they should at least know how to pack. I know that to get your A license it is required that you pack and jump your own pack job. I taught a packing class this winter. Most of the people passed, some did not. However, one of the ones who did pass was at the dropzone yesterday, and I had my rig unpacked and told him to pack it to see if he remembered. Not Even Close! Packing once for your "A" Does NOT mean you will remember how to pack, even a few months later BASE 1384
  18. I assume that's directed at me. I got a few PM's in regards to that and apparently not being explained the mechanics of the EP's is pretty standard as not to overload the student. I know at AFF 7 now I should be enquiring about it but I'm glad I wasn't expected to know anything about it on my FJC, just that I have handles I pull and proceedures if something goes wrong. Just FYI I was explained in my FJC what a cutaway handle does and what the reserve handle does "on a sports rig" and how an RSL works. I was just confused as to how my student rig worked considering the cutaway was a dummy. It was directed at you. Because you kept referring to your cutaway handle as a "dummy". It is not a "dummy" . I promise, when you pull your cutaway handle, something will happen. BASE 1384
  19. Don't waste your money. I'm guessing that we could get BK and / or Fluffy to agree to have a dish soap enema for a fraction of the cost or nothing. True Story! BASE 1384
  20. You are absolutely right. As a packer, I see it all the time. People hand you a rig, you give it back and they can go jump again. They couldnt care less how it is packed or works as long as it DOES. Unless of course they have a hard opening, or weren't packed in time for a load. Then I get to hear all about it. Our sport is different from most in that we like to jump out of in-flight aircraft. It isnt just some magic backpack. Learn how it works. BASE 1384
  21. Im gonna rent one of those and bring it to the DZ so I can pop out a bunch of offensive looking clouds over Ritman! BASE 1384
  22. If your doctor does clear you, remember that if you can't clear your ears on the ground DO NOT GO. Last year I jumped with a head cold and i couldnt pop either of my ears for almost a full week (Until someone told me to take sudafed, which helps a ton!) BASE 1384
  23. Hmmm so what your saying is that is UNrealistic. Shit. Anyone wanna buy a drum set? BASE 1384