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Everything posted by Halfpastniner

  1. Planning a heist??? I want in. BASE 1384
  2. Um... you mean princiPALS, don't you? Spell Police!!! O well i guess your right, its the principle of the matter BASE 1384
  3. Nati!!! (thats natural light for all you non collegiate persons) O and i have to say that miller lite......sucks BASE 1384
  4. I hope his TI rating gets pulled, that pussy was def. underage. BASE 1384
  5. Well with lips like that no shit! BASE 1384
  6. Your absolutely right... I had 2, and the pain was ridiculous. After a few days of no eating and lots of meds, i got the pack shoved down in there. I ate a cheeseburger 45 minutes later
  7. Well oil has hit $111 dollars a barrel so be prepared to be bent over the table in the comming weeks BASE 1384
  8. Didnt even link the sites....LAZY! BASE 1384
  9. It was sunny and +12oC today. Still have about 2 feet of the white stuff on the ground but it's melting ... ever so slowly. 120 degrees celsius??? holy shit! BASE 1384
  10. Thats cause they probably thought you were a stranded soccer mom with that minivan you drive!!! BASE 1384
  11. So let me get this straight...you can't ski without hurting yourself, and now you can't even get our of the garage???? I'll find a new packer!!! Maybe Joe can live up to the task, he's got a good track record Got this weather must be hard for you, being Australian and all... And im sure joe would love to have your business (So would Wink im sure!) BASE 1384
  12. You traitor!! BASE 1384
  13. Freerunners....they make PLF's look good BASE 1384
  14. I just tried to drive to get food here in downtown akron... Got less than 10 feet out of the garage and got stuck! and nobody flashed me BASE 1384
  15. Dam that was a close call for travis! BASE 1384
  16. ha this actually is fairly amusing...kinda sad i have nothing better to do at the moment BASE 1384
  17. You mean Chick Beer? He prefers the term Bitch Beer. So basically what your saying is.... He needs to HTFU BASE 1384
  18. You mean Chick Beer? Hell no. I said Mike's. Not Zima. Whats the difference? BASE 1384
  19. something you have to actually do shit to! Weed comes out of the ground ready to go. BASE 1384
  20. Apparently, Cinci has some good green http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=dUD-8Xe1IPI (Probably funnier when high) BASE 1384