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Everything posted by Halfpastniner

  1. I was afraid the perp was gonna spray back! BASE 1384
  2. invest in a weight vest...i have to wear them if i am jumping with particularly heavy persons BASE 1384
  3. no it was a cordless.....lol ill let em know man! BASE 1384
  4. You obviously aint a packer BASE 1384
  5. Yup..sounds like the canopy BASE 1384
  6. As far as reserve dates go, a 92 should not be too old, provided it is in good condidtion and hasnt had many rides on it. My reserve dom was 1990. dont overlook getting a used container for your first one either...although that half off thing is pretty nice BASE 1384
  7. It doesnt matter what their made out of...there still way to easy to lose! I went through 2 this year and decided to go back to the pull up cord...havent looked back
  8. Im def. with airdvr on this one...being from cleveland area can be pretty hard to deal with when it comes to sports! I hope the sox get desroyed BASE 1384
  9. Check out www.knobcreekshoot.com !!!! now thats a machinegun shoot! BASE 1384
  10. The only good thing Al ever did was to create the Internet. -and its a dam good thing he did! what a tool BASE 1384
  11. When your tracking your vertical speed is somewhat lower but your horizontal is much higher which is what causes a much harder opening...trust me you'll do it once eventually and understand BASE 1384
  12. QuoteIntentional cutaways are great, IF they're done correctly. Doing them correctly involves using a tertiary rig. What exactly is a tertiary rig?? BASE 1384
  13. I had to repeat my long swoop level...after the delay i went out and couldnt find the coach! Got it next time though! BASE 1384
  14. As long as the weathers nice you most likely will do all your training then do your level one jump. If its not nice you can come back when it is and do your first one. The problem is to get your A licence you need 25 jumps (after 7 your off "student" status although you kinda still are one). If you cant get 25 jumps in, which would be sort of unlikely if you start in october, then in the spring you may have to repeat some work you have already done. This varys between dropzones so it might be best to ask them on refresher information. So I have a question for you...If your man is going to do it...why dont you do it with him??!!! BASE 1384
  15. i am a packer at a dz in northeast ohio and i can say that i replace closing loops all the time if there is even a question of it being worn out (that is what we were told to do) and I would never expect to be paid extra to change it out. Granted i didnt buy the loop it was provided from the dz i just installed it but there not that expensive anyway. BASE 1384
  16. I know this thread has been about riding the plane down due to high winds...but how about riding it down because you get sick?? Just yesterday we had an experienced camera jumper on a 182 load to film a AFF1. He was feeling a little sick all day apparantly. A minute before door, he couldnt hold it anymore. He manned up, opened his jumpsuit and let it pour! Then he climed out on the strut (with influence from the pilot yelling for him to get the hell out) and filmed the whole jump and landing! Now if i just threw up i would probably not have jumped and instead rode the plane down (if the pilot would let me lol BASE 1384
  17. Hey man welcome! i also did my first jump soon after i turned 18 and pretty much totally hooked now. Good luck and blue skys! BASE 1384
  18. Do AFF you should have a lot better sence of things because youve done it before. My first AFF felt like forever compared to my tandem with a whole lot of time to smile for the camera...and as i said before a lot more fun and rewarding. theres not really any reason to buy another tandem when your just going to do AFF (whether you realize it yet or not lol)! I think once you start you will also meet alot of people with reputible careers who jump on weekends. -Conor o and ps, get a video! first Aff vids are awesome and you will want to show it to everyone! If you want you can see my AFF1 here: http://www.lifepursuitvideo.net/asppublic/Video44645.aspx?VID=3404&VF=ConorRyan_072207-1759.flv BASE 1384
  19. Wow that situation is VERY similar to mine! im not sure how old you are...but im 18 and after i told my parents i did my fist tandem (which also felt like about 2 seconds till canopy) she told me that if i jumped again that she wouldnt pay for my college... unfortionatly for her i loved it too much so of cource i did it anyway. I debated doing another tandem but ended up just trying the AFF. I swear to god AFF was 10,000 times more fun than tandems! Being more independent gives you a different feeling and i couldnt get the smile off my face for hours! I would recommend doing AFF and eventually your parents will have to come around (my mom still hates it but shes accepted it and is still helping me pay for school) Good luck! BASE 1384
  20. Hey chris welcome to skydiving (almost) lol. Trust me standing at the door looking out was probably one of the coolest moments of my life! Good luck! BASE 1384