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Everything posted by justinhawxhurst

  1. What was the final resulte of the landing any injuries
  2. Sorry off subject but we jump the AN-2 out here in sweden. Cool plane but slow as hell
  3. Thanks for the help with this. I was out in California last moth and had fun with the meter-feet thing.
  4. Thats easy jump tickets whithout these you don't need all the other stuff
  5. How about arm wrestling. You have to hold your elbow to simulate a table. It would be more like trying to flip the other person over he who stays belly to earth wins.
  6. This is not the best shot but I like it. Silhouette 170
  7. There is not many girls at the DZ. Sometimes you just have to take the whats there on the long weekends camping out.
  8. Dating a skydiver sucks you end up paying for their jumps or at least that is my experience. P.S LM just messin with you
  9. So are you single or just a tease?
  10. Here is a great video of flying with skis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZEDNQPMe1o
  11. "My skis are getting the bindings re-calibrated as we speak!" What kind of bindings do you use???
  12. I am not actually part of the company who makes the cameras. I am an athlete who is doing the research and development to improve the use of the cameras. I have noted everyone’s suggestions and will be bringing them up this week to get them implemented either on existing cameras or make a new one targeted to skydiving and BASE jumping. We do have wireless broadcast quality cameras that have a range of about 4 miles that have everything that has been suggested regarding the recording to DV but they are quite expensive. Any more ideas and impute is much appreciated.
  13. We have gotten away from my original question regarding the mounting system so I will pm you the details
  14. Right now the cameras use an av line but soon should have s-video and fire wire. The quality at the end of the day has to do with the quality of the recording device. The ones we use work for TV programs.
  15. the bullet cam can be hooked up to a video camera to record onto dv tapes. I usualy record to a media recording devise so you don't have to carry a video camera as well. The mp4 player I record to recordes to avi format. http://www.sports-cameras.co.uk/AccRecordingDevices.shtml[url]
  16. The cameras we use are 580 TV Lines with 90 - 120 degrees of view. This makes them shoot the same quality as a 3ccd camera. I have shot with it makeing programes for TV. They are even quality for live TV broadcast.
  17. The nice thing with the cameras we use are that they are 2 inches long and weigh as much as a lighter
  18. It can be turned to face any direction. The nice thing is that the camera we use is only 2.5cm by 3.9cm http://www.sports-cameras.co.uk/HiResBulletCamera.shtml
  19. This mount is being not just for skydiving or base I am a skier,wakeboarder and it needed to be able to fit over ski gloves as well as wakeboarding gloves. Thanks for the imput thats why I posted it
  20. The picture just shows it in the forward position. It can be turned to face the jumper
  21. Thats some good points. I should have added more info the camera can be turned to mount across the hand. This camera recordes on a small mp4 player which is smaller than an ipod so it could be used just as another view on a jump.