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Everything posted by Layton

  1. ill take the one in black***never use wesson oil in your own waterbed
  2. Layton

    i wanna see

    more pics of doves avatar.***never use wesson oil in your own waterbed
  3. "im gonna freeze in eloy" quit yer whining.least you go to go to eloy.ive had 7 weekends of clouds and rain and fu&^%n cold! and the flu to boot.cats been sidk and the dog pees on my foot.geez some people get all the luck.***never use wesson oil in your own water bed
  4. no not sad at is the biggest haliday for family get togethers.i would not even think of leaving on or around christmas to do anything. oh if ya look like your avatar you got some blind stupid redneck men in ga.***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  5. i thought it was going to be about a real glass wife makes more than i do and i think its fact she gave me the go ahead to look for a new canopy and if i cant find what i want used she told me well you just might have to have one made for you.damn this wimmins lib!!***if you're on the edge ya might as well sep off
  6. that really sucks.i took my wife to a chain restaurant tonight and we had a server in training.she was very attentive to our needs very pleasant etc.when the bill came she rung it up and indicated that we had paidin cash.i used a debit card.i watched as the trainer gave this girl a very stern lecture about her error on the ticket.i told her not to worry about that she did fine.its just a thing as my youngest i tipped her 25% because she did a good job.***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  7. Layton

    Need a name

    i'd call him chopper.looks kinda like a harley.long,black,and built low to the ground***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  8. Layton

    Happy Day!

    happy day when i see boobies!!!!***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  9. he has enough jumps its a card about the size of a greeting card and its yellow.the s&ta stamped it with the a stamp after he gave him the test.
  10. a guy that i work with took the first jump course with me.that was july 20 2001.i now have 128 jumps and a c buddy just got his a test done and he sent the card back from uspa and they told him it was incomplete.they didnt send back the money order just the card.i still dont know what they wanted.our s&ta told us that only the left side of the card has to be filled out.anyone know what was left out?***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  11. just put some barrs leak in it and drive the shit out of it.barrs leak almost as good as duct tape!!!!***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  12. Layton

    the flu

    well it looks like i got it.i went to the dr.yesterday and he confirmed it.this shit is nasty.he gave me some meds and something for the cough.the cough stuff makes me sleepy so i guess thats good.i have all the cats and dogs in the house on me i guess to make me feel better.i was hoping to jump this weekend.havent been in the ari in almost 6 weeks because of winds/weather.thank god for my mom and her homemade soup and cornbread.oh and all you turds going to eloy make me sick er.oh well have fun in eloy and be safe.fuck this being sick shit im gonna lay down***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  13. clapton is probably the best guitar player of all time.i saw him in memphis a couple of years ago.aerosmith is good too.***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  14. depends on why the gaskets blew.if the heads are warped then you are talking big bucks.did the car overheat?if it did then you are looking at head damage,piston or rings being damaged.i did all the work on my wifes bmw. it broke a timing belt and bent 3 valves broke a rocker and damaged the head.i did all the work and got out for under 500$.course im a cheap bastard and i wont take anything to the shop.good luck.***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  15. ok all you gentlemen lets all voulenteer to help misskriss and dress and undress and undress...........***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  16. thanks for paying my wages skymama! and buy more stamps too!***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off
  17. i think she should do her duty and go back to him hahahahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!!!!!! and iron his shirt!!***if you are on the edge ya might as well step off
  18. did you have to have a special permit to buy that?what did that cost? i have a usp in .45 nice firearms they are.***if you are on the edge ya might as well step off
  19. that rig is uglier than shit! might as well give it to me so that you dont have to walk around all embarrased bout having a ugly rig!!!! just kiddin that is pretty.good luck on the healing process***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough.
  20. congrats smarty pants!!!now get out and jump!!!!!!***where are we going and why are in this handbasket?
  21. Layton


    you really need to get the shielding gas if you can.makes it a lot easier.we have a miller and it is really good.i havent used a stick so i know nothing of those.i do enjoy working with steel though.***if yoiu are going to be stupid you better be tough
  22. how much is a shitload?or an assload?or a boatload?and is there a difference?which one is the most?i need numbers!!!***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  23. ***And don't get me started on the friend of hers. Read on last week she was arrested earlier this year for heroine. Very nice. Nothing says classy like an addict. not all addicts are like a recoverying addict and addicts are sick people not bad people.
  24. i thought that frank zappa did titties and beer.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  25. how the hell do ya jump outta that thing?***where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?