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Everything posted by Layton

  1. i have a new g 3 and it is soooo sweet! 3 from our dz got them with our dz embroderied on them and we got a huge discount.i had b12s hip rings and an rsl put on mine and they are all partially tie dyed and they are beautiful!! i had an old vector that was way too big for me and the shoulder straps would slide down in freefall. now its like not having one on at all.its really nice to have stuff that fits.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  2. hey sunnydee123 nice looking rig! i just bought a new mirage g3 and it is really nice! its nice to have stuff that actually first rig was an older vector that was way too big for me.anyway let me know how you like the saber2150 im thinking of having one of those for my next canopy***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  3. ok folks heres a little heads up on this kind of stuff.i work for the postal service and if you will pay with postal money orders if you get ripped off you can have these people charged with mail fraud which is a felony.just mu 2 cents.***if you are going to be stupid you beter be tough
  4. i always look down when landing.been working for over a hundred jumps.i see threads about looking out and not down.ok im still new at this so i will ask.whyif you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  5. take a big hammer and smash the shit out of it.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  6. thats a nice lookin umm uhhhh bath tub ya got there***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  7. a toilet is a high performance product.what. can you hook turn or something with this thing?***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  8. reinvented the internet?***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  9. i got my wifes car running.1989 bmw 325is broke a timing belt.busted the head broke a rocker arm,bent 3 valves and bent the rocker shaft. i took the head to a machine shop got it welded up took all the valves out got the new ones back in put it all back together and its runs as smooth as silk.not bad for a once upon a time dope fiend.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  10. i got one of my replys removed once so what i learned is that sometimes its best for ME to keep my mouth was also in the gender only forum so being a male i guess i over stepped my boundaries.still believe in what i said though.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  11. ok foks ive read this and laughed my butt off but i have to say a few things about this. i am a federal employee and i am a janitor. there are some things that need to be said so im gonna say em.first. womens bathrooms are worse than mens bathrooms.its a given that men pee where they look.i cant understand how women can pee all over the stool and down the wall too. i know when to keep my mouth shut because i clean all the cranky hanky hampers. there is always some kind soul that brings some kind of spray in and sets it down for peple to use. dont spray this stuff because all you do is leave a sent of shitty smelling flowers for the next person. you took a dump so own up to it and go on.and then there is the person who when they see that i am about to clean a bathroom always say hey let me take a shit first before you clean that. wouldnt you rather take a shit in a clean bathroom?and with all the pubic hairs i have to clean up.WAX !!!!!!!!everybody WAX !!!! and toilet paper is not kleenex. ask for kleenex. dont roll half a roll out just to blow snot into it.well thats all i can think of right now. blues.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  12. i have a h&k usp in the 45cp.fine handgun they are peicey but well worth the expense.i would get the polymer frame and not the shiny metal one for one reason.someone can see you and the gun in the dark.self defense is just that self defense.anything that shines will get their attention just my 2 cents oh by the way if h& k is good enough for the u.s. navy seals its good enough for me.if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  13. i like purple! even had a purple motorcycle once***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  14. if he could only do half of what he threatens you would have something to be worried katie said get to the jag ex used to do that to me all the time tell me she could do this and that and the fact is she didnt make the decisions.i had to tell her and the kids once the judge wears the black robe and the judge makes the dont sound right that he can just stop an allotment for child support.i paid through court order for years and it worked out in my favor more than once.i had check numbers amounts and when they were everyone else has said.relax and take it easy and dont forget to breathe.go jump this weekend even if ya have to pack to pay for em.blues and keep us all posted.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  15. cool tell her we are rooting for her!***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  16. yep the last pic will make ya cry! im so happy for her! now you can tell her that she has taken off in more airplanes than she has landed in! blues***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  17. yep i got one that did that too only he got out and we dont know what got him.his femur was in like 3 or 4 pieces and we paid 450 to get suckbaby (he sucks on blankets towels etc. hence the name) fixed up.THEN we had to keep him crated for 6 weeks to keep the rod in his let from betting banged around.all this for a stray cat.the vet did neuter him for now the suckbaby don go outside no more.good luck.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  18. you got oxy for an elbo? man be careful with that stuff.where i live people will knock a in the head for that stuff!and it is very addicive too.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  19. i just got done with 16 1/2 years of child the state of goes on your income and not how many kids you have.usually about 25% of your gross income. thats the way it is here dont know how it is where you word of advice that a judge gave me was.its not my business what she did with the child support money and it was none of her business what i did with the rest of my money.made it a little easier for me.good luck and what ever ya do dont say bad things about their momma in front of em.thats their mom.good luck and blue skies.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  20. janitor for the post job in the house.nobody bothers me specially when i got my latex gloves on!***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  21. hope you are healing well and you are up and jumping soon i think that you were videoing some of our jumpers on that jump.we have pics of you and one of our jumpers.if you would like these send me a pm with your address etc and i will get them to you.was really sorry to hear about your leg.get well soon***
  22. itsa hotsumbitch here does that count for anything?***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  23. i signed the petition i have 4 cats and 3 dogs.and that will NEVER happen to my babies.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  24. No we broke up last month, or I should say he left me for no reason at all...still hasn't really given me one, other than he doesn't like me jumping. Like anyone would quit for anybody else? However, it broke my heart into thousands of pieces and I am very bitter about it. I will end up being an old spinster with 100s of cats running around...jk btw... who said this? i have aol so take this into consideration please***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough
  25. i jumped a skyvan at rantoul.first time i jumped a skyvan.there was only 10 or 12 people in it! we were laying down on the benches and we got 15k to boot.dont like the door the way you have to open and shut it but i jump at a 182 dz to any turbine rocks to us.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough