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Everything posted by Layton

  1. Layton

    why does it?

    stink worse whey you fart in a tub of water rather than just farting in the shower?***don't touch that!!!
  2. probably soil my drawers
  3. pallett jacks are the shit! if i got caught riding one i'd probably get fired
  4. i have a ups in .45acp.wouldnt trade it for anything.
  5. i bought a savage tatical (110 action with a heavy barrell) cal. 308.and put a leupold target scope on it.i found the scope on ebay and it was price was about $900.this thing shoots really well.we have a set up for 800 yard shots at the gun club and i did better than i expected.
  6. i was there last weekend.lots of stuff to do.went to the art museum and saw the van gough exhibit.the traffic really really really sux.course i'm from ark and we are used to horse and buggy but that shit was mind boggling.nice place to visit but i dont want to drive in that shit.
  7. Layton

    trip to atlanta

    well i survived the trip to atlanta,went to the van gough exibit ant the art museum.met my granddaughter and grandson for the first time.(i can see how people get caught up in this grandparent thing)and went to skydive monroe.that is a nice dz.friendly paople fast beech 99.(first time i jumped one of those)but the best part was when my little 3 1/2 year old granddaughter said."pa pa i love you"i was like ok heres my wallet and my checkbook.yep right around her little what a great weekend!
  8. Layton


    i have a c long between jumps to stay current?just wondering
  9. i'd love to go to the boogie but i am going to see my 2 daughters and my 2 grandchildren that i have never seen.thats the reason for the trip.just thought i could make a couple of jumps while i was there.why is skydive atlanta so far from atlanta?yeah monroe is close besides im used to jumping 182s.we have a blast with them.
  10. duluth is north of atlanta.i think
  11. i think i'm going to atlanta next weekend.i'm going to duluth which i think is north of skydive atlanta open this time of year?i'm looking to log another state.anybody gonna be in atlanta next weekend?
  12. Layton

    nipple piercing

    i don't have anything pierced but i do like my tattoos though.just wondering what people thought.oh congrats on the jftc thing.i'm sure you will do we get to see pics of a pink jumpsuit?
  13. Layton

    nipple piercing

    i think they look cool,but i'll bet they hurt like hell.what do you think?
  14. well i dont drink anymore so i'm gonna stay at home and do nothing.all drinking ever got me was a whole bunch of trouble.
  15. i had and still have a falcon opened real fast too.get a bridle extention and learn to psyco pack it.count the cells.flake the stabs.bring the tail around and lay it down on the ground putting a half twist in it.basically laying it on its back.roll the nose and then roll the shit out of the tail.i mean roll the tail tight.fold it in thirds right left or left right and roll it like a sleeping bag.i double wrap the stows too to slow it down some too.good luck man.
  16. nov 24th day before heart cath.front arteries 90% balloon and one stent.that really sucks.
  17. no matter what someone looks like there is someone out there that is plum tired of their shit.
  18. keep mailing those cards and postal service employees need the pays for my jumps.
  19. can someone tell me which is the best and what the difference is and how strip heat works?
  20. lizzy baby!!!!!you got it! looks like its gonna be cold this weekend.have to see what its gonna do.
  21. made my first jump since i had angioplasty the day before discomfort no problems.felt good to get into the air again.
  22. Layton

    house plan

    the land is free and clear.we will be building in south sebastian county ark.south of ft. brother worked at the bank we went so we talked to his old boss.our credit score was a 740 so financing won't be a problem we work for the postal service and both have been there for over 15 years.right now the interest rate is 5 1/8th.not necessarily low but not outrageous wife picked this house plan because there is a lot of brick and vinyl siding in this part of the country.we want the rock and hardi plank outside.rock is expensive but there are quarries as close as 5 miles away.labor is another story.from what i am to understand it is cheaper to build a larger house.this house plan is pretty detailed so this is something that will not be seen on every street corner.there is a lot of building in northwest ark right now so getting labor is going to be diecy. that is why we went to a couple of builders and got turn key bids.the one we got yesterday was 127,700.he said that he would give us a contract not to exceed that amount or he absorbs the extra costs.i have a friend that is a real estate lawyer and she will look over the contract before we take it to the bank.we are pretty excited about this and my wife really wants this particular house and i want her to have it.what i have learned is that you build a house for a woman not a mother in law has a 40x60 barn full of things to keep me busy such as tractor,brush hog,welder,goats and such so we are really looking forward to this.sorry this was so long!