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Everything posted by Layton

  1. Layton

    house plan

    my mother in law's place is on the adjacant lot and she paid 139k for it.its a cape cod 1800 sf.3 room 2 bath.we also have 5 acres that it will sit on that is paid for.we have been clearing the land for about 2 years.all utilities are there and the water meter is already installed.there are some houses in the area but i dont know what they are worth.
  2. Layton

    house plan

    we are going to buid this house.there arent any other houses in the area
  3. Layton

    house plan

    dont know how to do links help someone?
  4. Layton

    house plan

    larry garnett plan # l-372-csa we got a bid for this house for 127,700.what do ya think too high or what.we have been dreaming of this house for years and it looks like its about to happen.the bank says all right so what is your opinion?
  5. i have a nephew that lost his hearing when he was a sister put him in sign classes before he started regular school.sign language is a very interesting learning now and its amazing to watch 2 people that are fluent talk to each nephew and myself communicate pretty well.good luck to ryan and ill keep him in my prayers
  6. how long does it take to biol an wife is at work and i aint never boiled one of em.with this new diet im on.(at 6ft2in 140 lb)because of the heart thing that i had done im really limited as to what i can eat.i know that eggs have cholesterol but i havent had eggs in a couple of weeks so i figure one wont hurt me.
  7. Layton

    USPA Visa

    we have already been to the bank for the financing for the new credit rating was 735 and my wife's was a 790.we had a combined score of 740.we did have credit card debt but paid them all off and closed the i at least paid them off and have a good credit score.
  8. Layton

    USPA Visa

    i have zero credit cards and zero credit card debt.we got into trouble and borrowed from our 401k and paid ourselves interest and didnt get back into debt.we now have 3 builders putting together bids for a new house.i will never have another credit card ever.***get out and hang on where ya can
  9. then what else do ya get to give up
  10. Layton

    christmas shows

    i love the christmas shows.i'm finally working days and can watch them all.watched rudolph's 40th anniversary now i'm watching charlie brown.***get out and hold on where ya can!!!!!
  11. i'd tell em to fuck off.course i'm kinda like that.***get out and hang on where ya can!!!
  12. im trying to become a mostly vegetarian.i had angioplasty last week and my dr. wants me to as he put it."almost become a vegetarian"i love red meat and salt and those 2 have to go so i have been eating salads,soups,beans,and the like.guess its better than having things run up my femoral artery.the chest pain was a real bitch too.
  13. should have looked at all the pics before i posted.i had a cat get into the dryer and we started it and he wound up with a sprained tail.the front loaders are nice washers and dryers.we have a set and they are the bomb
  14. the cat in the first pic. wears contacts?oh yeah i want some pull up cords.
  15. arlo got me my new canopy.and it was done early.and on the package she wrote with love the tsod crew.she is great.just a personal opion mind ya.
  16. i just went back to pages 1821 and 1822 and was looking at some of the posts.are these the oldest ones?or are they deleted after a certain period of time?these are dated mar 2001 or thereabouts.kinda cool imho
  17. Layton

    my thanksgiving

    i spent my thanksgiving in the hospital.i had been having what i thought was indigestion or heartburn.never had it before but that's what i thought it was.monday morning i had a really bad bout of this stuff.i called my dr. and got me an appt. for tuesday.i went to the dr. and he asked me some questions and listened to my chest.he then tells me that i am going to the hospital. now he says.right now.dont dilly dally around get to the i go to the hospital and they admit me and set up a stress test,which is basically walking on a treadmill.well i made it about 20 seconds on the treadmill and i started spiking on the ekg and my chest was killing me.the dr. said stop lay down and take this pill.nitro.that is a whole nother i was whisked to the heart cath room and they found out that the 2 arteries in the front were 90% blocked.a stint was placed in one and the other was opened with a i have all these little pills that i get to take every day.yes i smoke yes there is history of all this stuff in my family and it dont make me feel any better.well i do fell better actually.and i found out that my bad cholesterol is high too so i have a pill for that as i spent my thanksgiving hooked up to heart monitors iv bags and being thankful that i havn't had a heart attack and there was no damage to my heart.the dr.says that i will be jumping in no take care of yourselves and be thankful for what you have.
  18. im gonna be coming to atlanta ga in the middle part of janurary to see my 2 little grand chillins.i would l would like to jump while i am there if at all possible.skydive atlanta looks like a good place to jump.i was looking at their web site and think im gonna go there.should be around the 14th or so.anybody wanna jump?***if you are on the edge ya might as well jump off.
  19. i have a siamese cat that is now 17 years old.when he was younger i was drinking partying etc. and i was outside and found a large pile of dog shit from a really big dog.i scooped it up and stuck it in ole jinx's litter box and took him about 10 minutes to find it.he was nervous as hell for about 3 hours after that.he was probably thinking man there is something big in here and its shitting in my box
  20. did you know that he was clapton's drummer for quite some time?
  21. we have a flat screen and they are nice.we are going to start building a new house in the spring so we bought a auto cad program and the color and detail is amazing.just my opinion
  22. Layton

    doggie drama

    no sadly little jack hasnt been found.we did all we could and i think that maybe somebody got least i hope someone did. if someone got him i just hope that they are good to him.i sure do miss the little guy too.
  23. Layton

    doggie drama

    well we had a frightning event last night with our little yorkie .we work the 3:30 to midnight shift.we came home and i was playing with our little yorkie (radar) and he loves to play fetch.only thing is that you kind of have to wrestle the toy away from him to toss it.well we had been playing this game for about a half an hour and i was shaking the toy and he made a spinning jump turn and the little guy hit his head on the tile floor and knocked himself out.when i picked him up off the floor his little tounge was hanging out and his heart rate was really slow.we called our vet and we found out that we have a after hours emergency animal clinic that the local vets have set up. so at 2:30 this morning we took radar to see the the time we got there he was starting to come around but he is so small that we didnt want to take a chance with a head injury.the vet looked him over and said that he had just rung his bell and gave him something for pain and soreness and said to watch him. right now he has all his toys at my feet and is growling at me because he wants to play again.think we are gonna have a non play day the things i do for my kids