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Everything posted by Layton

  1. Layton

    Got my bike!

    if you have experience take a experienced riders is well worth the money.if you dont take the rider safety course.both will help you stop bad riding habits before you develop them.and wear a hemet.gots to keep the hard drive protected.wear a hemet gloves and heavy shoes.i didnt and almost ripped my left foot off july 9 still limpimg from me you dont want a t shirt that says."if you dont limp you aint shit".i still ride a bmws.a 78 with 213,000 yes 213,000 miles the old flat twin and one of the transverse inline 4s and its just a baby only 50k.enjoy the bike and be safe.
  2. slicker than cum on a gold tooth
  3. wonder what the thread count on that thing is?
  4. my wife has a toshiba and it has been a good little puter.has dvd video card bunch of other stuff.i have a little fujitsu and this little thing has been bullet proof.ive had it for 3 years now it was my mother in laws and she gave it to me and it ran for years with out a hitch.didnt lock up crash or anything.we just put a new hard drive in it and thats all that has been done to this little puter.we are puter poor here one in every room and each have a laptop.course my mother in law builds puters for the mother boards up so we have not bought a puter in years.of course my mother inlaw love me and im pretty crazy about her too.i couldnt have found a better mother in law if i went and found a mother inlaw first and then married her daughter.just thought d throw that in for the old mother n law son n law stigma that the world seems to have.good luck on your shopping
  5. i'd a stuck his little ass in treatment.
  6. well after 2 illnesses and 5 weeks of it being in the closet i finally got to jump my new saber2 that first opening was so sweet.nice and snively and on heading too.and i now have a canopy that i can do front riser turns with.i am not going to do them but i can see where the attraction is with the swooping thing.i started a front riser turn at 8k.(i pulled high because it was my first jump on this canopy) i did a 360 plus a 180 or 1 and 1/2 spirals and lost 1500 feet.but man was i going fast.the all tangerine orange with royal blue center cell is a bright contrast.and i got a little surf when i landed .i stood up all 3 landings opens slow when i wrap the tail real tight when i pack so ill have to play around with that some.the slider was slow coming down but that might be the tail being so tight when i pack.over all i sure do like it.oh and the people at the dz told me all day. hey man turn that thing is really bright in the skies.***stay tuned for my next episode
  7. Layton

    sick again

    well after being off for 3 weeks because of a bone infection i got some kind of for about a week i havent been far from the toilet.i did work wed.thats all a worked last in the last 5 weeks i have worked 6 days.thank god for sick leave.well thursday i got put on a liquid at 137 lbs(normally145 lbs) was put on a diet.3 days nothing but clear liquids.then sat.i got the brat diet. bananas rice applesauce and toast.i got my new canopy over a month ago and have yet to jump this being sick stuff is for the birds.blues Layton
  8. i took a nasty spill on a harley.july 9 1982. almost tore my foot off.had a open lateral dislocation left foot and ankle.i was in the navy at the time.i know what the inside of my ankle looks like because i was stranded for 2 hours on the side of the road.this happened on the strand in san diego. they had to put screws in the fib and tib to keep them together so that.the socket in the ankle would hold it.didnt get rid of the crutches till feb 1983.had some bone fragments removed a couple of years ago.that was one of the most scary situations i have ever been in.i did learn that if you try to hitch hike sitting down that people think that you are lazy.oh will know when the weather will change.
  9. Layton

    Hangover cures

    how bout not drinking?
  10. we have a 182 with a nice big 520 engine.280 hp. i think it is the fastest prop 182 in the country.been getting a grand a minute.of course i have never seen it but roumor has it that this plane can do a barrell roll.***stay tuned for my next episode
  11. how many of you have your reserve packed every 120 days? im really anal about etting mine packed on time and i noticed that not everyone is as anal about this as i am.what is the longest you would jump a rig with the reserve being out of date?***stay tuned for my next episode
  12. i bought my wife a rossi 44spl.3 inch barrell.hammer has been burred from the wife can hit a 6 in pie pan from 25 yards 4 out of 5 shots with the gun we have had that gun a few years now and have never had a problem with it. but as for me ill stick with my h&k usp in .45 acp.
  13. i don't watch basketbaLL
  14. pm me and ill tell ya where i bought mine and what i paid for it.i just got it hooked up and am waint to jump it.cant right now.bone infection been off work for 3 about something that sucks.
  15. Layton


    well he is the boss and for as small as he is he takes up a lot of room.he sure has the cute thing down though.his akc name is little jack rabbit.i just call him jackie paul.and he thinks that he weighs 150 pounds.its funny to watch him chase a 17 pound siamese cat that thinks he weighs 150
  16. Layton


    ive watched every skydiving video i own.for the last 3 weeks ive been stuck at home with a infection in my ankle joint.watching the quincy 2001 video for the umptheenth time.with my little 2lb13oz yorkie in my lap.(he has been in my lap all this time too)hopefully i will go back to work monday.this sitting at home sucks.
  17. i went to the grocery store once.did my shopping went to the car.(4 door) put the groceries in the back seat and got in and shut the door.then i realized that i was alone and couldnt drive from the back seat.people were watching me so i went back in the store and walked around for a while.then went out got in the front seat and drove home.or pulling up in the driveway on the bike.get off and lay it down on the ground.forgetting the sidestand.those are just 2 that i will tell on myself***no good deed goes unpunished
  18. man you should get a lot of feedback on this one.i just bought a new saber2 135.havent even jumped it yet.i went with the pd because of reputation and advice from advice from people that have lots of jumps on both.i think that they are both pretty comperable.just my.02 blues Layton
  19. reversible dress? no shit ?
  20. my clean date is oct 9 1992 dont know how many days that is but i got today
  21. im in one of those 12 step what you said about some one using your stuff or making changes in your day is what im talking about.we have no control over what happens around us.we like to think that we do because it gives us a warm secure feeling that makes us happy.this is an illusion.we have control over what we do and only what we do.if we do right more times than not others will do the same.when i was using i was a felony looking for a place to behavior was very i dont do things to people that i dont want done to me.i dont like making amends for pulling off addict behavior.our behavior decides whether we walk free in society or whether we are locked up for acting out.these are just some of the things that i have learned since i have been cleran.i know the old saying rehab is for quitters but i prefer to say that i surrendered.before i got clean the only thing i knew about surrender was standing with my hands above my head.geez i kinda got off on t riff didnt i?
  22. i agree. im a navy vet but i dont think anyone teaches their people to shoot like the marines.
  23. i work for the usps.did you know stamps are legal me stamps are just that.revenue that pays my wages.
  24. what do we really have control over?the only thing wehave control over is our behavior.the rest of it- we have the illusion of control.thats it.