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Everything posted by Layton

  1. i just hooked my brand new out of the box s&ta helped me do all the line checks and everything.we noticed that the tape on the slider is pointed toward the looking up from the canopy the slider is all one color with the collapsible tabs in the back.according to the pictures in the book that was sent with the canopy the tape is pointed towards the canopy.everything else i have jumped the tape is pointed toward the jumper.ill call tomorrow just ot make sure.oh yes the instructions and warning to not pack the canopy with the slider stowed is toward the jumper.blues Layton***no good deed goes unpunished
  2. last year at rantoul the lady that did the bi-plane before me had 80 jumps and 4 balloon jumps.this was the thursady before the last weekend
  3. ive been stuck inside for 15 days with a bone infection and taking antibiotics that make me feel worse than the i got a brand new canopy that i cant jump just sitting in the yeah i know how ya feel.get well soon.blues Layton
  4. Layton

    I'm. In. Love.

    i had a tdm 850.the trx isnt avaliable in the us is it?i dont care much for the v twins.lousy engine a bmw fan myself
  5. once you unhook the plug is there a little metal clip on each side of the plug holding the bulb assembly in?
  6. im an re4 so i aint going anywhere.but if called i would go.imo if they are gonna draft they ought to include women as well. equal rights is equal rights.
  7. i have been diagnosed with a bone infection and i also have a lot of arthritis in one ankle due to a morotcycle accident in the 80s and the arthritis is infected as well.the 3 antibiotics i'm taking are kicking my of them has the following side effects."may cause urine,feces,saliva,sweat and tears to turn orange and red.this medicine may permanently stain soft contact linses." the other one says to stay out of the sun.may cause upset stomach but dont take anything for the upset stomach.i think the cure is worse than the illness.i feel tired run down and i didn't feel that bad before i took the medicine.only 13 more days worth of medicine to take.this sucks.hope you guys get to jump and have fun anyway.blues Layton***to officer who asks "sir have you been drinking?" have i been drinking? hell i was all over the road what are you new?
  8. what was it redd foxx said? " fucking ain't dirty unless ya dont wash up. then ya fucking dirty"***no good deed goes unpunished
  9. i saw those guys! some movie or tv show or some shit
  10. h&k is the shit man.i have a usp in .45acp and i think its the best out of the box autoloader out there.the sigs are good too
  11. long guns are a lot of fun to shoot.savage tatical is a good connect the dot rifle at an affordable price.pistols? i have a h&k usp in put it up against any autoloading pistol out there
  12. Layton

    this just sucks

    i had a really nasty motorcycle accident in 82.ripped the foot off ground off the end of the fibule did all kinds of damage to the ligaments and tendons.i was in the navy at the time and they just wanted to take the foot off and be done with it.well i wouldnt allow them to do that.i didnt think 20 some odd years later that i would be having these kind of problems.if i look around me i can find someone who is worse off than myself.
  13. i dont drink drug nor go to was just a joke
  14. have you seen it.pammi if ya need help holding those things give me a holler
  15. Layton

    this just sucks

    well i have had a bone scan,complete with radioactive dye injected.a mri with some other kind of injection and today i find out that i have a bone infection or the arthiritis in my ankle is ive been off for a week and now i will be off for 2 more opn some high powered antibiotics and stuck at the real heart new canopy arrived dr. knows i jump and he grounded me as well.this really sucks.***no good deed goes unpunished
  16. ya see one set of titties and well ya want to see em all
  17. i have a daughter that has borderline personality disorder.and they are real hard to work with because they dont stay in one place very long.she has told me i love you i hate you get away from me dont leave me all in the same yes i do believe.mental health gets a bad rap.and people make fun of people that are truly sick.pisses me off
  18. nice machine man.ive got an old r80rt with 213,000 miles on it and a k100rt with about 50k on it.thatk12rs is a bad ass machine.
  19. ill try to get pics this weekend.we are a small dz so we jump only on the weekends.
  20. me and my wife werein for about 30k.(we make pretty good money) and we were stupid. we borrowed from our retirement and paid it all off.(and most imporntantly we closed the accounts) now we have no credit card debt.that prime interest rate will kick your ass.***no good deed goes unpunished
  21. its brand new never jumped saber 2 135 got here today.all tangerine orange with a royal blue center cell. this thing is beautiful!!!! thank you so much arlo for all the help.if ya need gear call arlo or send her a pm.dont know if i can advertise for her here so all i can says arlo is the shiznit.and on the phone she sounds like a real hotsy totsy.can't wait till the weekend!blues Layton***no good deed goes unpunished
  22. i enjoy your seem to bevery knowledgable about the sport. i will get my new saber 2 135 tomorrow and am kinda nervous about jumping a smaller canopy than i am jumping now.right now i am jumping a friends saber 2 150.she just joined the army and told me to jump hers until i am ready to jump my new one.i went with the saber 2 because everything i read and heard about the saber was that they were one of the safest canopies out there.i bought a 135 because im 6ft2 and weigh about 140 soaking anyways just wanted to tell ya that i enjoy your posts.blues Layton***no good deed goes unpunished
  23. hey mine will be here monday. i ordered a saber 2 135 in all tangerine orange with a royal blue center cell.when i ordered it pd said just under 10 weeks.they finished it in 7 weeks.maybe you will get lucky like i did.***no good deed goes unpunished
  24. yeah all the smog and the state governments are after the smoker. when are they going to go after the booze companies.booze has killed more people than ciggarettes.just a pet peeve of one of them 12 step people and i can tell ya this i can have a amoke and then get in my car and drive and im pretty sure im not gonna kill anybody.the booze is what is what needs to go.just my own personal little rant.***no good deed goes unpunished
  25. yeah why did this thing send me to earnies can of whoop ass or some shit and it asks me what kind of porn i like.disgraceful to a fallen marine