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Everything posted by madmack

  1. madmack

    RIP Adam Gibson

    Hey Gibbo, you're probably reading this over my shoulder as I type it, who knows. You're a good dude, someone that absolutely anyone, even G Bush AND Bin Laden would have liked, and the world is worse off for you not being around. I remember racing you to school in the Hearse against you in your Corona Wagon. You did very well and got in front for a bit, but afterwards you complained that i'd cut a corner to pass you, I replied that it was merely ripple strip and you took it on the chin. You made the most of every moment, and made everyone around you feel good about themselves. It's a shame that the caliber of a man is measured after he's gone, but i'm sure you would have hated been called a hell-man by everyone back in the day. My condolences to Ben and the rest of the clan. And Adam, I hope to have a beer with you when we meet again. Paul Mc Not flown myself yet, flown planes & cars though.