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  1. One more day left in Challenge II to attempt to prove you might be an "old school" skydiver! Get three out of five right and I'll sweeten the ante and send you a free "Outlaws" Official T-shirt along with your choice of one of my books! Why? 'Cause I'm just a sweetheart that way.
  2. Just for fun and to boost readership, on my website, I have instituted an Old School Skydiver's Trivia Quiz. Each month, I will post a new quiz and if you get the answers correctly, you can win any of my books. Players worldwide are welcome. Visit my website to get complete details! No gimmicks, just fun! www,mikemarcon.rocks
  3. sfzombie13, I hope to continue to do so. The funny part of this project is that it's all based on guys I know right now. Stay tuned and drink your Ovaltine! Happy Fourth!!!!
  4. "The Outlaws" Part two, Chapter three is complete! Does the chicken live or die? Pray for the chicken and read about it's fate at: https://mikemarcon.rocks/the-outlaws
  5. sfzombie13, the DZ is not hard to find since it's the drop zone of everybody's dreams. You can go there anytime. That's what my readers are doing. You can follow me and The Outlaws on my Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/mike.marcon.92 Thanks for taking the ride! We just chose our First Official Outlaws Mascot. You can see his resume on my website. Happy Landings, Mike
  6. sfzombie13, Well, thanks again. They are not interchangeable. My wife is constantly reminding me of this very sin. We' re not married....are we? Ha! Anyway, thanks for keeping me staright. Keeping your first catch in mind as well when this all goes to the final rewrite.
  7. Hey Old Timers and all those whose daydreams involve returning to the past days of lawless drop zones, you may want to catch up with my latest writing project. Simply put, I began fantasizing what it might be like if a few inactive jumpers and pilots afflicted by old age and restrictions put on them by the Feds decided to open a no holds barred, private, by invitation only, skydiving club out in the boonies and did what we did in days past without regard for the laws they might break. I'm posting the finished installments as they are written on my website and they can be read at no cost. There has been a twist or two since beginning the project. After reading the stories, several people contacted me and said that it was a shame that such a club didn't exist and if there was such a club, they would immediately join. So, I said why not? If you visit my website and look around, you will discover the club, who the current members are and what we are up to. Ultimately, probably within three months, I will publish the story as a book. When finished, the book will only be available to buy as signed copy complete with an Outlaw bookmark and membership card. ALL of the proceeds will be donated to The International Skydiving Hall of Fame and Museum. I have written eight installments with an ninth soon to be posted. You can subscribe to my e-mail list and get immediate notifications as new installments are posted and Outlaw events unfold. Check out "The Outlaws" at https://www.mikemarcon.rocks and follow me on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/mike.marcon.92
  8. sfzombie13, thanks for the catch in the story line. I'll fix that. Part Eight is nearly done and will be posted soon. I'll announce it before long. Happy landings!
  9. Part Six of "The Outlaws" is now on my website! If you are following the story, you might be interested to know that Buzz id about to screw the pooch. If you want to get e-mail notifications when I post installments, make sure you subscribe! (I never share your info!) www.mikemarcon.rocks
  10. I got to thinking a few months back about what it might be like, as an old school skydiver, to gather a few friends together and open an invitation only drop zone for those jumpers who had been dormant in the sport for a host of reasons. I.E., old age, medical problems, life circumstances or simply an unwillingness to bend to to rules. So, I began writing "The Outlaws" in more or less weekly installments. The story may or may not become another published book. It's free to read as I write and post the installments on my website in PDF form. I'm now up to Part Six and it seems a lot of folks are enjoying it. I thought the members here might get a kick out of it, too. You may find it on my website at www.mikemarcon.rocks Be sure to subscribe to my mailing list if you wish to get an e-mail whenever I post new installments. (I never share list info.) Happy Landings!
  11. My latest book is finished. I'm an old member here, and 57 years in, a skydiver, jumpmaster and jump pilot. I also happen to be a writer. Charles Sebastian Crow is story about flight, pure and simple. No matter how you fly, whether it's under a parachute or in an airplane, this tale should resonate. For a limited time, on my website, you may download the book, free, in its pre-publication draft form as a PDF. The book has not received its final edits and decisions are being made as to when it will be available for sale, if at all, as a trade paperback. Your reaction to the book will help determine the book's fate, so after you've read the book, either comment here, or please go to my Facebook page (link on my website) and comment or PM me with your thoughts about it. Please feel free to share this post with anyone or any related group as you see fit. Thanks, Mike! www.mikemarcon.rocks
  12. Not selling a thing, just making an announcement. Some of you know me. I wrote "Red Beans & Ripcords" and I regularly write short stories about the past days of skydiving. Took a hiatus from writing for a bit, but now I am back. Just created a new website as a repository for my stories and books. On the site, you can read the stories and download at no charge complete copies of my books in pdf form for your entertainment. I am continually posting old and new stories on the site and it is growing steadily. Here's a link if you are interested: www.mikemarcon.rocks
  13. Yeah, whoever you are, I'm still here and doing very well, thank you! I do not have Russell's phone number. I think Jeff fell off the face of the Earth and is just floating around out there somewhere waiting to manifest on the next load. I have no idea by your ID who you are, but I hope that you are doing well, too. Blue skies, Mike