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Everything posted by wakey

  1. well i have to go from the 22feb to the 2 may i have weekends and maybe some week days off i have to see how busy we are out there. i have just been informed that also we are staying in el centro for some time also again have'nt looked at a map as yet. ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  2. thank you for the reply.. im glad i will be in the middle of nowhere... ok looks like a hire car to either eloy or Perris/Elsinore. with out wanting to start a online fight where out of the three is there a higher activity of wingsuit flyers. cheers ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  3. Cheers mate.. I can only fit the phantom :-( so the v4 will have to stay at home. Hope the weather is better than the uk! ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  4. Hi all, I have to travel to work In Yuma, AZ I believe that eloy is the closest is that correct. Also how easy is it to find and how far? The reason why I have this in the W/S section as it would be cool to meet up with any local flyers there. Cheers wakey
  5. cant wait !!!! booking flights now on the cheap ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  6. how did i not find this Lol thanks. all these videos area collection right ? nice work who ever made this :D ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  7. thanks for the link mate. But i was looking at the trying to get one on a video host website due to the amount of people that use them etc and youtube i belive has lots of small ones i was trying to get a large collective together. ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  8. hey all i am trying to raise Wingsuiting in the public eye by creating a online wingsuit channel it is literally brand new and i was wondering what you guys think [http://vimeo.com/channels/attheedge] please feel free to send me your videos you would like to load up your yourself to. [http://vimeo.com/groups/108194] like i said its brand new and im looking for ideas and advice. thanks. ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  9. thanks for the video mate awesome edit !!! cant wait till next year. ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  10. hey sorry for the delay but it has been a crazy week with the partying and jumping( not in that order) im from team overflight we were in the amature's it was a realy good week altho it was upsetting to here that some teams didnt arrive due to different reasons but the learning curve was massive for all!!! and so were the party's i would like to say a massive thanks to all that organised and let me know asap where the next one is ... ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  11. just trying some new editing software what do you guys think of the movie as im new to editing. http://www.nomadskydiving.com/apps/videos/videos/show/13940353-nomad-big-weekend what do you think :D ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  12. im looking for pics and videos i have been looking in the forums but cant find many if you could link some that would be great :D ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  13. wakey

    Freefly videos

    hey all i need your help i need as many video clips and edits or unedited shots u may have i am trying to colate as much as i can i have seen some of the footage of the main posters here and its amazing so plz plz help me plz post it at www.nomadskydiving.com ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  14. personaly mate i would go to all the dropzones near you and make as many friends and try all that way you have the best of both world's thats the way we roll [url http://www.nomadskydiving.com] ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  15. i have updated the website to add videos aand a new layout and template i have gone fully live so have a look and please let me no how it has turned out cheers ! ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  16. personally i jump mainly in the UK and Spain but i have been known to go to America and Canada but there are members from all over the world and thank you for your kind words about the site its going to have a new face lift and more videos,photos added but as i have said it has only just gone live to check for bugs and fixes and i hope to talk to you soon ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  17. hey mate we have the same thing over the other side also. here in the UK / Europe were people we have pride but also some take it as far as being non welcoming to new jumpers which to be honest is stupid seeing they keep our sport growing I have created a new post for people like yourself that have to move dropzone out of choice or for fun it is called nomad skydivers i have only just finished it but it perhaps if some one is a member that comes from the area you are going to they can help. hope this can help u out a little wakey ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  18. thank you for the offer !!please make your self a member so we can plan events/ trips in the future there is at the moment 50 (ish) members that wish to travel and try new things so please join and have a look on who is on but as i said it is only just gone live so please be patient cheers again ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  19. thanks for putting up a correct link. I leave it to my more computer literate friends to sort the links in the future. PLease the more the better for signing up if you move from dropzone to dropzone for fun or thru work please have a look on the link above and sign up as i have said it is new (12 hrs) so the more i can get the more new people will want to have a look at one of the dropzones you prefer to jump at but thanks and agian have a look at any improvements i can make thanks wakey p.s pritty drunk on a dz holiday to spain please excuse thespelling ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  20. Hey all, a group of friends and myself have started to create a group made towards the more adventurous of us who like to move around different dropzones, all around the world or even locally. We also try to help the newer members of the sport get into dropzones, please let me know what you think of this idea and comment on the website layout etc. This has literally only just gone live and is not a profit making website, this is a site for skydivers by skydivers. www.nomadskydiving.webs.com ukwingsuiter.com how the english do it :D
  21. wakey

    Atom Legend

    I placed and order for the atom legend r nearly over a yeah ago I had a choice of 2 rigs that were "freefly friendly" but I went with pdf but after a yeah of waiting and paying for kit hire I haven't saved any money on buying a different set up if any body from pdf reads this can they contact me as you haven't got a website to contact yourselves....?