The term ultralight is not what is used to be. You may want to look into sportpilot which is basically what ultralights used to be and more. It doesnt have all the privleges as a regular private pilot but it also has less restrictions and takes less time and money to get. One of the best parts is that you don't have to get a third class medical for sport pilot.
Aircraft like the challenger II and titans are very common and can run with fully enclosed cabins and travel faster more comfortably. These are two very common old school ultralights but are now classified as LSA or light sport aricraft.
Do a search on sport pilot and you will come up with a lot of information.
As far as performance figures go to the aircraft website and it will give you cruise speeds, takeoff and landing distances. You can get aircraft with folding wings and store them in a trailer. Renting hanger space or even a tiedown space at the airport gets very costly.
My wife and I have done 3 tandem jumps with csc. Each year we do them around our anniversary. This year was no different. My jump went good. My wife and her jump guy Wally had a main malfunction, cut away and came down under the reserve. When I landed I made a comment to doug that this was probaly it for her. After getting home she stated that she will go again, simply because of the extreme quality of her tandem guy Wally. He made sure to explain everything as it was happening. Since she had jumped before she knew something was wrong. Other than being a little sore from the initial opening she was very impressed with how the jump was handled. Hopefully Wally's back is feeling better by now, and thanks for bringing my wife down safely. See ya next year.