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Everything posted by Dedalus

  1. What's the theory behind the idea that 1/4 to 1/2 brakes helps keep the canopy inflated? I might buy the idea that the change in angle of attack/relative wind makes for better presentation of the nose, but slower speed also means less pressurization, and slower speed also means hanging around in the turbulence longer. Mark Baur
  2. I went 2000 jumps without a malfunction, then had three this year, two of which were tandem line-overs. As you collect replies, you might want to distinguish between aggravations like line twists (which occur every 4 or 5 student jumps, especially on Cat C and Cat D jumps), and malfunctions requiring reserve activation (every 300 to 1000 jumps, based on the replies you've received so far). Mark Baur
  3. The relevant regulation is FAR 105, and the sections you are interested in are 105.43(b)(1) and 105.49. The first one requires your reserve to be repacked within 120 days by an FAA-certificated rigger. If the Canadian rigger had an FAA ticket, your repack is good for 120 days in the US. Otherwise your repack is not good at all. 105.49 is the exception to 104.43, and applies to foreign parachutists jumping their own gear. It allows visiting jumpers to use gear that meets the standards of their home countries. If you are a US resident, this exception does not apply, and your gear must meet US standards. FAR 105 is included with your 2001 SIM, available at Mark Baur
  4. I have Mirage-made triple risers on both my Mirages. Expect to pay for this option, but if you were price-sensitive, you'd buy a different rig, wouldn't you?