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Everything posted by airtaxi

  1. bake sale humm NA would have to charge to much for the cookies I started with a piper cub in 1978 and upgraded to a warrior 2 in 1998 and then bought a saratoga 2 TC in 2005 I payed cash for each airplane I do very well with mt work I work for a film comopany mostly I set up filming locations I have ben skydiving on and off for 9 years I think that the airport that I am always landina atwould make a cool skydiving location and its only 30 min from san francisco well I have aprovel from the airport land councal and will try to get my dropzone off the ground by june 2007 Sean
  2. I am selling my Saratoga Airplane I want to start my own Dropzone here in Northern California And Have a Big Boogie I am currently raizing money to buy a CASA 212-200 for my new Drop zone the Airport I will be Located aat will be Napa County Airport about 30 miles north of San Francisco this airport has a large area that would make a great boogie location I currently have $230,000 Saved for my CASA and when I sell my Airplane I shold have close to $500,000 almost half of what I need to buy the CASA 212-200 any one interested in helping me get a new drop zone going and any ideas on how I can raise the rest of the money I need to get the CASA