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Everything posted by skyflygirl1

  1. Good job, I'd be happy:) Posted a comment on skydiving movies for you too, as Butterflygirl 261. Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  2. Personally I used to think guys that liked women with no pubic hair were freeks that wanted a 'little girl'. My mind has been changed. From my perspective it's cleaner (someone did already mention the blood, hair thing and it's as bad as it sounds!) and it feels better, smooth and not annoying when wearing the smallest of thongs (and yes, some women love wearing thongs). From his point of view everythngs right there, no annoying hairs in the teeth, no parting of the locks plus it's just like womens legs, who doesn't like the feel of a silky pair of freshly waxed legs? Why have hair when you can go bare!! Or have just a little something to remind him you are still a grown woman? It's all down to personal preference and thank god, coz no two people are the same Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  3. I was in the ATC (air training corps) when I was a teenager and had the opportunity to do a S/L jump. I didn't, firstly because I thought it was crazy and secondly because I didn't have the money. I was always really fascinated by it though and wanted to go along to just watch (wasn't allowed! boo hoo) Then years later I started dating a skydiver and again couldn't wait to go watch him. It was fantastic, even just the sitting about on the dz was good for me. I started getting a little obsessed with watching his dvd's and footage he'd recorded. The relationship ended and from that point I was certain I couldn't let go of the fascination that had grown to mild obsession so I started planning for a tandem. It turns out my tandem happened a lot quicker then I'd hoped for, he got the vibe I wanted to do it and suprised me with it one day, should have guessed when he told me to bring lace up trainers!! Did the tandem and loved the freefall, knew I would though, it did scare me to look out of the door at 13 grand but I wasn't nervous like I thought I'd be, quite the opposite actually, I'd decidied to turn anxiousness into excitement and it worked! Now I've had a bit of time since doing it in the summer and I'm feeling the same way about doing my Aff, planning it for next spring/summer and hoping to get another tandem in before then. Should manage it too, off to Empuriabrava at xmas! Also helped having some time in a wind tunnel which to me is just like another hobby but helps out with the skydiving too. Hope that helped a bit, sure everyone will have very different stories and all will be interesting Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  4. Thanks for that good advice. I don't mind people saying they like one or the other though as I'd like to understand everyone's reasons for chosing the method they did, it all helps really. Think I've pretty much decided on Aff. If I feel my canopy skills are lacking on completion, I can always invest in a few s/l jumps also. It's all good experience! Thanks to everyone for all their views and responses
  5. Hey hun, Glad to see you're loving it, should be joining the aff ranks next year myself, crazy rush huh!! Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  6. Cool, hope you loved it Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  7. Exactly, couldn't agree with you more Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  8. Hiya, I gave up in Feb and haven't touched nicotine since. I think giving up smoking is just like trying to lose weight. You have to be in the right state of mind and you have to really want to give up. I've given up before but would always think to myself that I liked smoking and didn't really want to quit in the first place, needless to say I wasn't sucessful. This time I did it for the right reasons, I was sick of waking up every morning coughing up phlegm(soz if that's spelt wrong) and being wheezy through the day, not to mention every time I went into the garden my som would shout out 'mummy's going for a fag' he was only 5! I was discusted at myself but now I'm proud and happy to say I truely never want another cigarette to be near me. Three weeks in or so and you'll be fine. Just pretend they might kill you one day, lol Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  9. I have to say that I am about to take a packing course at Nethers. Not just because when I start my aff next year I want to know how to pack already (one less thing to worry about) but also I'm hoping it will help me save money to do my aff in the first place. I'd like to be able to hang around at the dz for a while getting to know people and procedures before getting my A licence. I'm sure that free advice and guidence from other skydivers is all well and good but I see it like driving lessons, you might be able to learn from a relative or friend but they won't teach the same way as an instructor. For me packing a rig and being 100% familiar with it is just as important as the jump and landing and I wouldn't expect to learn such important skills for free or just in someone's spare time (cool for others though, each to their own I say. . )
  10. Correction to that last post, it wasn't Oceana, that's the other freefall Uni, DUH!! sorry Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  11. Blue, of course. ... but Yellow, red, green, black, etc... come a strong second
  12. Ann. . . .same as my mother (yawn!:) Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  13. Hello Mark, I'm a newbie too and have had lots of advice already, check out my thread on Aff v's S/L. Have found out one very useful thing which is if you're thinking of doing your Aff abroad you should only use a BPA affiliated drop zone so your qualification will transfer easily over here. Skydive Spain in Seville and Empuribrava are the only two I know of in Spain that are. have heard a slightly dodgy review about Oceana, but just what I've been told, have no facts to back it up. Good luck wherever you end up. Oh and the Seville deal at the mo is flights, accom, and Aff for £1100- again, just what I've been told
  14. Absolutely! When I get round to buying one that is. . . . .
  15. If you need to pay someone to teach you to pack, you are at the wrong dropzone. So if I go to a dz before I start a course next year someone will just teach me for free? I was going to do one at Nethers in a couple of weeks to get a head start and learn one of the basics before my course next year. Is this a bad idea then? I just thought it would be sensible and good practice. I would have one less thing to worry about next spring
  16. Hey hun, I'm a newbie too (that means a new comer to the site:) Get used to guys taking the piss (that means making fun of you:) And just a quick tip, a sense of humour goes a long way on here. Good luck with your jumps and getting your A (yes this is your first reply to slightly make fun of you, you did say you were German right? You might get a lot of it here) LOL xx Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  17. I think this is another hilarious thread, you guys slay me Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  18. Ouch...the truth hurts If I were a s/l student I wouldn't wish I had a girlfriend, well. . . . . .i might if i were pissed (meaning drunk for all the US folks) Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  19. Thanks very much, that's really nice of you. Hope we do get to jump together, would like to jump with as many cool guys and gals as I can one day:) The thought of that makes me beam! Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  20. Was thinking isn't it best to just do a packing course? I'm suprised they're not an essential and mandatory part of the process to getting your A licence. Will book myself on one probably even before I get my A Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  21. skyflygirl1

    Sucks !

    Want to put a very crude reply to that but might get a rep for being something I'm not. Will keep it more decent. I blow, and believe me, it wouldn't suck one bit! Oh well, bollox to decency It's a funny reply! (lighten up) Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  22. Because "Toggles" is a dog's name. You're joking right? toggles is a sissy name for a dog. But it's a cool name for a cat!! VOTE TOGGLES!!! Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  23. Well I guess after reading that I'd better go the Aff route, after all I have my super hot kickboxing girlfriend cooking my grub in the kitchen now. . . gotta go, she's maoning about the bloody handcuffs again LOL I can be funny too (just to crush the day dreams of many men, no I'm not a muff muncher, soz) Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  24. F**K the comedy lab, you guys rock!! will be laughing for ages Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!
  25. LOL, stop it, I'm laughing tears now Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!