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Everything posted by examiner2

  1. examiner2


    Do you really get one when you get your license? And I tried looking on the internet. The cheese factory didn't sell them either ;)
  2. examiner2


    Where can I purchase a sign that says skydivers only beyond this point for my dorm room?
  3. I think that Boston definately overreacted. The press conference was hilarious though: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1739538 From the guys who did the ad campaign and work on the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
  4. Hey everyone, my name is Sean and I'm a student at WMU. I skydived for my first time (tandem) over the summer and immediately bought a second jump. I am saving up money now so I can get my A license this summer. My home dz is Skydive Chicago, and I haven't decided if I am going to stay here in Michigan over the summer and switch dz's. I just wanted to introduce myself as I have been reading these forums for quite some time now.