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Everything posted by hommie

  1. I for one have experienced many tunnels round the world and none of them compare to SVJP. This tunnel will never lose power, it's so good, just ask it. Unfortunately the air is the hottest of all the tunnels with the air being thick like poop. In order to fly in it you must wear boots the shit is so thick. This tunnel has a personality of it's own. The tunnel casts off an arrogance to it's flyers unequal to any other tunnel in the world. This tunnel is unbelieveably arrogant and condescending to everyone that flies around it. And this tunnel talks about ego? Give me a break, that's the tunnel calling the asphalt black. As pope said, insert state here. In this case, I think everyone in this thread is happy to not be in the presence of SVJP. SVJP needs to do a systems check and take a look at itself and realize, nobody likes the way it operates. Don't understand what I'm saying, that's fine. Those that do unfortunately do. Doing business as=SVJP There is only one person that will get that. let's keep that between the 2 of us, as my identity.
  2. oh goodie goodie goodie. That time of year is here again when every northerner comes to zhills to get recurrent, I can't wait. I love the time during the boogie when you can knit a sweater for one of the geriatric belly flyers gymping around while waiting 3 hours between loads. This boogie, is like a driving road coarse as you twist and turn around 200 square foot canopies, all the colors of rainbows as you make your way to the one patch of grass that you think will be safe to land in. The food is always served pipping hot by a super friendly staff. One of the specials this year I believe will be freshly unfrozen Koi, served with rice and your choice of vegetables. I heard they were farm raised by TK. I have one warning for anyone who hasn't been to zhills, never throw glass bottles in the fire. For some reason the locals think their firepit doubles as a fountain of youth that can't be poluted by melted glass, a substance that comes from the earth. Well, only a few days to go, hope to see some new faces around the fountain......
  3. Let me have a crack at this one.... Here's the whole plan. I arrive at your Mom's house at 4:20 where I break into your room and smoke your entire stash you keep under you mattress with your Playgirl mags. Once the sun goes down I walk out into the backyard a stare up at the object. Your 250 foot Sasquatch of a mother stands there casting a shodow upon me under the full moon. I gear up next to her stankey ass feet and grab my grappling hook. I hurl the hook as high as i can and after many tries I manage to hook one of her nipple rings. This is the hardest part of the climb since the rope hangs directly down the middle of the object so I can't get any grip off her legs. Using a jumar I climb and climb until I've reached the hole you climbed out of so many years ago. A sudden surge of adrenaline pulses through my body as I find myself staring face to face with a pack of venemous crabs. I now climb faster than I ever have to a cave above the hole and take refuge and a breather. After sucking down some Red Bull, I climb past the sagging overhangs and unhook my grappling device. From here I have great traction from the stretch marks and I make it The base of her neck where I find refuge underneath her adams apple. Here I leave a little donation to the object in the form of a pearl necklace. Ready to finish the climb, I grab a handfull of hair like so many men have done before me and wrestle my way to the top. I gather my thoughts together and prepare for my daring stunt. With camera ready to go since I want everyone to see what a badass I am, I run to the edge of the scalp and with the smalllest amount of imagination I yell "3-2-1 c-ya" as I "flick" myself. I do a triple spinning somersault with a doublebacked gainer and throw out. My canopy cracks open and I flare and land in the street out front where my ground crew is applausing. I then escape in your mom's wooden paneled station wagon and head to your girlfriends house to impregnate her. If you need a picture of the object, just check the mantle while having Christmas dinner at your mom's house. You now know the object, vehicle, planned ascent and descent. As far as when, I'm sure your girlfriend's pregnancy test will let you know it has already happened, and I don't need an escape route, I've read on this site that Ninjas don't get caught....
  4. You better hope your there that first weekend of the month or you'll be doing solos with a plane full of rw 4way teams. READY SET GO!!!!!!!!
  5. Max Cohen lenses are not Way Cool. Way Cool lenses offer a protective cover over the lens so that the only thing to get scratched would be the cover, not the expensive lens. Buy Way Cool. Stay away from Maxine's lenses.
  6. Haven't you heard? Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead. But fear not, I just got off the phone and I have good news. THE KLUEGS ARE COMING THE KLUEGS ARE COMING. They supposedly just left and are heading this way. Their plan is to car jack a water truck while hitch hiking. They'll drive this water truck down the coast until they pass a fishery and they'll pull up to the dock and load that sucker. They are killing 2 birds with one stone. The plan is to get to TK land and unload the trout and the water into the pond. They are going to fix all the problems in one large swoop. They're bringing back the pond, the fish, and the freeflying. I LOVE THEM. There will be an event to celebrate all of this coming back. The First Free Fuckin' Flying Fish Fry February Fourth. Bring your rig and a fish net to catch your own dinner. Cee ya there....